OE Endorses Fee Waiver for Whoville Shut-down Public Records

From Jean Stacey:

It would be a real loss in the power of our activism and a travesty of justice to the unhoused  to let the Whoville Closure continue to go unchallenged. Toward that end, we have requested public records on the Whoville Closure and need you to join us in our public records requests and in a request for a waiver of the quoted $652 fee for same (electronic copies only). Our justification for the waiver is that this information is for the benefit of the public as informed citizens and participants in our democracy.

In talking with Lauren Regan of the Civil Liberties Defense Center, she advised that we apply for the waiver rather than simply paying for the
information as we should establish a precedent that such information is entitled and that the government has the responsibility to produce it
(without creating a financial barrier).  This precedent will serve us well now and also on future requests.

There are huge contradictions on the Whoville Closure  between what was said in public, what was said in private, what was written and what actually happened.  Innumerable “misrepresentations” were made either during the process or by rewriting the history.  Understanding how it transpired will, hopefully, help us better navigate the city’s process next time to avoid similar tactics on their part, tactics that are frequently used on many issues (Capstone, City Hall to name a few) that make it nearly impossible to have transparency or accountability.

Please agree to put our joint “power” and ability to represent a wide array of citizens and investigative journalism behind this fee waiver