Occupy Eugene Media Group photos, videos, tv and radio produced by Occupy Eugeneoccupyall1@gmail.com

Occupy Eugene Media Group


Jana graduated in 2008 with a Multimedia Design Associate of Applied Science Degree from Lane Community College in Eugene Oregon.  She has been an active member of her community with several non-profit organizations including Community Television of Lane County, GREEN (Grassroots Renewable Energy Education Network), Nuke Info, and GEAR (Green Energy Alternative Research).

jana2012ocfPicAs the co-founder of the Occupy Eugene Media Group (OEMG) she manages two youtube channels–occupyeugenemedia and communitysolutionsmedia.  She has personally produced over 200 videos related to social justice in a variety of formats since the fall of 2011–including short documentaries, training videos, music, theater, interviews and 1hr. Occupy TV shows. Jana is an avid unhoused advocate, as well as experienced videographer, photographer and editor, who creates media as a means for helping her community. Jana manages a project called the Community Solutions Media Library, which can be viewed at http://occupyeugenemedia.org/mediagroup/community-solutions-media/.  It is a compilation of media from activist efforts in Eugene, Oregon–beginning with the Occupy Movement in 2011 and continuing to present activities.  The library is meant to be a tool for activists far and wide, while ensuring historical Occupy Eugene media from over twenty-two contributors is preserved and archived.  Jana hopes to help human rights efforts everywhere by making the library’s media available to use in addressing the important issues facing communities the world over.

Jana documented Occupy Eugene and the SLEEPS (Safe Legally Entitled Emergency Places to Sleep) campaign as her effort through media to inform the public and use the democratic process to gain alternatives for our citizens’ emergency needs.  Jana Thrift believes, “Supporting the unhoused is part of the effort to create a better democracy with crucial human rights protected and more equal rights for ALL citizens.”

“In the future I will continue working to help my community and planet by producing informational media about the numerous issues we face as humanity during these difficult times.  I intend to progressively improve my skills, so that my media may better help with solutions.  I will work in some way daily to address the problems causing our environmental and economic crisis as well as build understanding between the housed and unhoused.  My vision is for the world at large to make the needed changes for us all to live in peace and prosper.  My hope is for my media to help with that process and if I change one thing for the good, then I feel my work has been worthwhile.”





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