Defend the Egyptian Revolution – End Military Trials for Civilians

Defend the Egyptian Revolution – End Military Trials for CiviliansOccupy Eugene will have a day of action on Saturday, November 12, beginning at 12:00pm. We will meet at Free Speech plaza, march at noon to the Federal Building (as it is the most visible representation of the US Government in Eugene), and then march to the occupation site at 6th & Washington.

Once at the park, we will have a Middle-Eastern Community potluck at 1:30pm, show educational videos about the Egyptian Revolution, and have a videoconference with our fellow activists in Egypt. Our goal is to highlight the ongoing struggle of the Egyptian Revolution and the difficulties they face as they try to press forward and create a truly democratic society. In aligning with the struggles of other resistance movements across the globe, we strengthen our resolve and edge closer to achieving the liberation of the 99%.

Occupy Eugene wishes to express its solidarity with the ongoing Egyptian Revolution. In light of the email the Occupy movement has received from Egyptian activists, Occupy Eugene has agreed to the following statements:

We applaud the brave efforts of our sisters and brothers in Egypt that resulted in the overthrow of Mubarak on February 11, 2011

  • We recognize that Mubarak’s removal was only the first stage in the Egyptian Revolution, since his apparatus of power remains
  • We oppose the use of military tribunals against civilians, adult sentences for minors, the rampant use of torture, and sexual assault of female prisoners
  • We condemn our government’s continued provision of “military aid” and “development loans” to the Egyptian military government. The US provides $1.3 billion in aid each year to the Egyptian military. The tear gas, guns, and other weapons we provide are being used to suppress Egyptians’ human right to free speech and assembly, and “development” has only meant lower wages, less job security, and more privatization of essential social services
  • We agree that elections cannot provide a “transition to democracy” in a government that is dominated by “a junta that holds legislative, executive, and judicial authority” (as quoted in the email from Egyptian activists). The Egyptian government shows its true face, the real meaning of its commitment to democracy, when it systematically targets those who speak out against them
  • Finally, we recognize the shared nature of our struggles — we acknowledge that economic and political democracy in the United States is impossible while the 1% continue to practice economic devastation and political repression abroad. Occupy Eugene expresses our solidarity with our sisters and brothers as they defend the Egyptian Revolution

الشعب يريد إسقاط النظام‎

In Solidarity,

Occupy Eugene