Occupy Eugene continues to hold GA’s at Growers Market.
They are now being held at 6:00 pm on the first Monday of each month.
Please join us at our General Assembly at the Growers Market, 454 Willamette St., Eugene, OR.
Occupy Eugene continues to hold GA’s at Growers Market.
They are now being held at 6:00 pm on the first Monday of each month.
Please join us at our General Assembly at the Growers Market, 454 Willamette St., Eugene, OR.
The Occupy Eugene Media Group has been working on an archive of photos, videos, and podcasts that is now finally available. You can go directly to the Community Solutions Media Library at http://occupyeugenemedia.org/
We will be continuing to add media to the library and we hope that anyone who has relevant photos or videos will share them with us, so we can add them to the library also. You can put your photos on our Occupy Eugene Photos Facebook page, email Jana at occupyall1@gmail.com or call 541-606-2025 for more information.
Please comment on the library pages, so that we can all become a part of the OE library’s narrative, describing the Occupation in Eugene and all the good work that it has inspired. We hope for the library to be a platform for Occupiers to share media about their efforts and a place where others can find put about our good work easily. Please feel free to make a donation to Occupy Eugene or our media group. Anything helps and we promise to use it for good. We also encourage you to volunteer your time. We greatly appreciate any offer to help with recording, editing, or data input. We have a computer for use as well as camera equipment, thanks to the Wayne Morse Project Grant!
–And please email me any corrections if you spot a mistake in the library–
Playing Saturday, November 8 @ 3 pm,
Valley River Center Regal Cinemas, 500 Valley River Center, Eugene Oregon.
Homes for the Houseless tells the story of how the transitional micro- housing project, Opportunity Village Eugene, is transforming lives through community. Produced by Occupy Eugene Media Group member Jana Thrift and David Zupan with Eugene Peaceworks. Showing in Theater 2 at 3pm this Saturday!
To buy tickets online, go to www.eugenefilmfest.org.
The Occupy Eugene Media Group was awarded a $6,600 Wayne Morse Center Project Grant!
You can now see six new videos with more to come at
The project we are working on is called Community Solutions Media–Supporting the Unhoused. We are very excited for it to help with unhoused advocacy work near and far! We will be collecting, organizing, and sharing media from the last several years–beginning at the Occupy Eugene camps. Video, pictures and audios will go to the University of Oregon archives and onto their philosophy department homelessness website. We will be compiling a creative commons youtube channel and making a vast amount of media accessible here, through our currently under construction OEMG website page. The grant money will buy seriously needed equipment for OEMG and pay a small amount for work on the project itself. Thank you Wayne Morse Center!
A Rally, Music, and A Fun Singalong Action to Save our Pollinators from Common
Garden Pesticides!
Saturday, July 20th rally at noon in the Free Speech Plaza on 8th & Oak. March through
downtown to the Eugene Public Library. Carpool to a Garden Store to be
announced at the rally!
KEYNOTES: Lisa Arkin of Beyond Toxics and Philip Smith of Oregon Sustainable
Bees. Musical Parody by Scotty Perey. If possible wear Bee costumes and
Beekeeper Suits! Bring kazoos for the Bee Funeral Dirge March. So it will be
easy to carpool, park near the library. The goal of this action is education
and awareness. No civil disobedience is planned.
Please see the link to our facebook event page at
https://www.facebook.com/events/519223101465135/. Also, click the youtube
video links so you can learn the two songs we will sing both at the rally and
outside at the garden store we plan to visit for a scavenger hunt.
Lyrics Video One:
Neo Neo Neo Neonicotinoids (to the tune of Lolly, Lolly Get Your Adverbs Here)
Lyrics Video Two:
My Favorite Neonicotinoids (to the tune of “My Favorite Things”)
Neonicotinoids are a class of chemicals used as pesticides and they are
inadvertently destroying our bee populations. The pesticides are increasingly
common in garden products, sold widely by retailer garden stores and were
initially touted as harmless. Yet, the impact has been devastating on bees and
the chemicals impact other pollinators, birds and earthworms living in the
soil where it accumulates and does not biodegrade. Basically, its bad
technology. The EPA is dragging its feet dealing with the problem and
consequently is being sued by a coalition of groups. Also, following the death
of thousands of bees poisoned in Wilsonville, Oregon, legislation to suspend
the use of “neonics” until more investigation into its impact can be completed
was just introduced by an Oregon US Representative to Congress, Earl
Blumenhauer and Michigan US Rep John Conyers. More sponsors for the bill “Save
America’s Pollinators Act” are needed! Please see discussion at our facebook
group page at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/467147336709359/
Oregon Sustainable Bees
Healthy Bees=Healthy Gardens
Beyond Toxics
Bee! Here! Now! (Project of Occupy Eugene Library and Education Committee)
TABLING INFO: provided by the groups above and also Northwest Coalition for
Alternatives to Pesticides, OSU Extension, Lane County Bee Association.
CONTACT: Jennifer Frenzer at jenniferfrenzer@gmail.com
Watch this great update on what Occupy Eugene and the Civil Liberties Defense Center have been doing to keep our constitutional rights alive!
March 11 is the two yr. anniversary of the Fukushima Nuke Plant disaster. Lets bring attention to our continuing unsafe lust for dirty energy at the cost of our planet and our future. Occupy Eugene, the Survival Center, and CALC will be helping with a series of events throughout the week.
3/11/13 6pm @ Our Islands Conservation Center, 120 W. Broadway & Olive, Eugene OR
Opening Ceremony with music, potluck, community networking opportunities, nuclear film & discussion.
3/13/13 Noon @ EMU Ampitheater, 1228 University Ave. , UofO, Eugene OR
Nuclear Freedom Now! Rally featuring speakers, music, spoken word, and theater to encourage nuclear awareness about issues in the Northwest and abroad. March to share this information with our community at large.
3/14/13 7pm @ Harris Hall, 125 E. 8th Ave., Eugene OR
Post Ignorance Talk with Kevin D. Blanch. Learn about the ongoing disaster in Fukushima and have discussion about solutions.
3/15/13 1pm to 4pm @ Kesey Square, Willamette & Broadway, Eugene OR
Kesey Square Revival goes Nuclear! Speakers, theater and letter writing workshop; to address nuclear concerns around Hanford, Fukushima, and our need to Occupy Big Energy everywhere.
Come join our Last Friday Art Walk Street Theater team for a night of light vs dark and life vs death.
And as always SLEEPS asks you to consider what role you fill in the urban theater we call life?
For more information contact Hedin at larrybrugh@yahoo.com
Friday January 4, 3pm to 7pm in Downtown Eugene
Meeting 2:30pm at the Atrium, 99 W. 10th Ave.
SLEEPS is calling for a Flash Mob Die Off action & Guerrilla Street Theater. This action is being done in an effort to bring attention to the ever growing number of unhoused people who die each year in the streets and parks of Eugene Oregon.
We will meet up at the Atrium Building at 2:30pm, and divide into teams of twos or threes. Each team will then be given directions to where, at 3:00pm, they will do their chalking.
This action will be in two parts. The first act will be the setting of chalk outlines The second act will be in conjunction with First Friday Art Walk, and will be the animation of the chalk outlines. Chalk, & a candle will be supplied to all activist teams participating in this action. We encourage everyone to come out and play with us, and help us draw attention to the ever growing number of preventable deaths among the unhoused in Eugene Oregon.
Act #1:
Teams will be at their assigned location(s) at 3:00pm. One member of the team will drop to the ground, while the other member draws a chalk outline around the body. The eyes are to be “X”, and the word “Unhoused” written inside of the chalk outline. If a team has a second location, they will then move on to it and continue till their assignments are completed. This action is meant to be fun, thought provoking, as well as informative.
Act #2
At 5:15pm Act #2 will kick off with teams of two going to the 4 sites of the First Friday Art Walk. One team member will re-pose thyself into the chalk outline, the other team member will stand silently while holding a candle, and handing out flyers that help explain what we are doing.. The art walk progresses from one location to another, and each team will follow the art walk and do the re-posing at each of the four locations.
~First Friday Art Walk:
5:15 Mecca Railroad Station
5:45 Clar Studio 760 Willamette
6:15 New Rose 168 West Broadway
6:45 Jazz 124 West Broadway