The Eugene Occupier Calls for Submissions

This fall is the anniversary of both OWS and OE. We want to honor both in our September/October newsletter. We need your help.

  1. Please submit a short (up to 125 words) statement of what the past year of activism in OE has meant to you. Include your name and when you became active in OE. Be as brief as you want to be. One sentence is fine.
  2. Send us photographs taken over the last year for a pictorial history of OE. Please name the photographer, the event, and include a brief description of what is going on in the photo. If you can, also identify the people in the photo.
  3. Let us know if you are interested in writing a 500-700 word piece on the history of OE.

Please submit all entries to the form at

Spanish and English June Issues of The Eugene Occupier Now Available

The Spanish and English June issues of The Eugene Occupier are now out. You can read them here:

Vol. 1, No. 4, June 2012 Newsletter

Vol. 1, No. 4 – Boletin Junio de 2012

Paper copies are available at OEV and Growers Market. If you would like some issues to distribute, let us know.

Note: The Spanish version of the June newsletter is a pullout section inside the English version.

We also want to let everyone know we will be publishing a special newsprint/tabloid edition of our newsletters for July with room for many more stories and photos.  We are planning on 2000 issues so we can leave stacks at distributions points around town and at various summer events, including the Oregon Country Fair. Please let us know if you have stories or photos for our big July issue.

The newsletter group welcomes your feedback. We also welcome stories of approximately 300-400 words. Please include a photograph and let us know who took it. Short poems and standalone photographs are also welcome.

OE Hosts Foreclosure Prevention Workshop

Occupy Eugene’s Foreclosures Action Committee will host a workshop by Tim Moxley, Friday, June 22, 7-9 p.m., in EWEB’s Community Room, 500 E. 4th, Eugene. This event is free and open to the public.

Many foreclosures currently underway are illegal under Oregon law. This workshop will train you to examine county records to determine whether or not a foreclosure is legal. This skill will empower you to stand up to the banks.

This press release is from the Communications Committee of Occupy Eugene that has been empowered to speak on behalf of the larger Occupy Eugene body.

View the calendar entry here, along with a link to the Facebook event invite page.

May Newsletter Now Available

The May issue of The Eugene Occupier is now out. You can read it here:

Paper copies are available at OEV and Growers market. If you would like some issues to distribute, let us know.

The newsletter group welcomes your feedback. We also welcome stories of approximately 300-400 words. Please include a photograph and let us know who took it. Short poems and standalone photographs are also welcome.

OE Activists Occupy Courtyard of Old Federal Building

A group of Occupy Eugene activists spontaneously began occupying the old Federal Building courtyard at 7th and Pearl streets on the evening of May 1.

They have obtained a 30-day permit from the GSA to be there although they cannot erect tents and must leave pathways into the building clear. They do have a tarp-covered structure where they can keep dry.

The demonstrators encourage other OE members to join them at the protest site. In addition to food and drink the occupiers would like materials to make sturdy signs and  a 200-foot extension cord. Amplification is allowed at the site, as is vending.

If you are driving by on Pearl or 7th,  please honk to show them your support.

Thursday Night Documentaries at the Fed

Come join your fellow OE activists Thursday nights as we watch documentaries on the steps of the old Federal Building, 7th and Pearl at 8 p.m.
Among the films we’ll be watching are documentaries about Warner Creek, the WTO riots in Seattle, and a method of movement/protest suppression called the Miami Model currently employed by a police station near you.
Documentaries are free.  Some snacks will be provided. Bring more to share. Discussions will follow the films.

Sunday Medical Clinic Moves to Park Blocks April 8

The Eugene Occupy Medical Clinic is moving to the Parks Block at 8th and Oak to better serve our community.

Our clinic time is the same as usual — Sundays 12-4 p.m.

All are welcome, no charge. No appointments; first come, first served. If you have any medical conditions, concerns or questions, please come by. Let’s all do what we can to make our Occupy Eugene environment as healthy and safe as possible.
Remember, starting this Sunday, April 8, you can find us at the Park Blocks at 8th & Oak in Eugene
See you there!
Contact person: Sue Sierralupe,

Also available in : Spanish

OE Newsletter Hot off the Press

The first issue of The Eugene Occupier is now out. Read it here:

Paper copies are also available for distribution. The newsletter group welcomes your feedback.

We also welcome stories of approximately 300 words. Please include a photograph if you have one and let us know who took it. Short poems and stand alone photographs are also welcome. The deadline for the April issue is March 23.


Today! Gather at Old Federal Building 4-6 pm for Trayvon Martin

Trayvon Martin Action TODAY, March 26, 4-6 p.m.

Gather at the old Federal Building in memory of the 17-year-old high school student who was shot and killed last month by George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch captain in Sanford, Florida. Zimmerman has not been charged with any crime at this time.

Wear your hoody, bring a sign, come stand together in solidarity for true justice.