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Occupy Eugene Media Group
15/11/25 Occupy Radio: Occupy Today, with Arun Gupta, and Michael Gould-Wartofsky


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Occupy Radio: Occupy Today, with Arun Gupta, and Michael Gould-Wartofsky

Four years out from Zuccotti Park, what are the chances for an Occupy 2.0? Bernie Sanders appears to be carrying the Occupy torch with his dark-horse candidacy heavy with anti-Wall Street rhetoric. Bernie’s enthusiastic crowds seem to indicate that hostility for the financial titans is still fertile ground for organizing. But with Black Lives Matter leading the charge today, can a resurgent popular uprising limit itself to income inequality?

Arun Gupta, of the Occupied Wall Street Journal, and Michael Gould Wartofsky, author of the book, The Occupiers, join Occupy Radio to discuss the status of the Occupy movement today.


The Occupiers

Arun Gupta: What Became of Occupy Wall Street

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