Occupy Eugene Media Group photos, videos, tv and radio produced by Occupy Eugeneoccupyall1@gmail.com

Occupy Eugene Media Group
Occupy Videos
Occupy TV Season 2 Episode 4

Where Do You Sleep? With Michael Carrigan and Conrad Barney

Occupation TV Season 2 Episode 2

David Barsamian with Alternative Radio and Lonnie Clark, a Nuclear Citizen Investigator

Occupy TV Season 2 Episode 1

Occupy Medical and Darryl Cherney

Naked Winter Sky Music Video

Music by Scotty Perey
Video by Jana Thrift

Occupation Education Week 9

Occupation Education Week 8

Occupation Education Week 7

Political Economics for Activists with Jamil Jonna and Dr. John Bellamy Foster

Occupation Education Week 6

Foreclosure Activism with Max Rameau, trainer

Occupation Education Week 5

Occupation Education Week 4

Occupation Education Week 3

Occupation Education Week 2

Occupation Education Week 1

Intro/Fundamentals of Community Organizing with Lauren Regan (trainer)
Occupation Education Syllabus

Occupy TV Season 1 Episode 2