Occupy Eugene Media Group photos, videos, tv and radio produced by Occupy Eugeneoccupyall1@gmail.com

Occupy Eugene Media Group
Posts Tagged ‘bxe’
15-7-22 Occupy Radio: United States of Fracking; More Michigan Water Battles
15-7-22 Occupy Radio: United States of Fracking; More Michigan Water Battles

It’s a tale of two journeys this week on Occupy Radio. Jimmy Betts, of Beyond Extreme Energy, checks in with Rivera and Getch as he prepares to criss-cross the nation calling out the oppressive, racist, corporate forces willing to exchange human life for profit. Then, Kim Redigan joins us from Detroit, Michigan, where she recently […]

15/6/10 Dominion Puts Cops on the Corporate Dole; Maine Re-Writes International Treaties
15/6/10 Dominion Puts Cops on the Corporate Dole; Maine Re-Writes International Treaties

Corporate domination and conquest mentality are two sides of the same coin, Occupiers, and this week on Occupy Radio, our guests Anne Meador and Sherri Mitchell, share news from two struggles – one in Maryland, the other in Maine – that show how hundreds of years of conquest are now transforming into abusive and destructive […]

15/5/6 Occupy Radio: 2015 Summer Camp Special
15/5/6 Occupy Radio: 2015 Summer Camp Special

From summer training camps to weeks of action, Occupy Radio covers three stories of preparation and resistance. This week, join Bill Moyer (Backbone Campaign), Jimmy Betts (Beyond Extreme Energy) and Ken Butigan (Campaign Nonviolence) as we look at the many facets of working for change during an action-packed time of active nonviolence. Localize This! and […]