Occupy Eugene Media Group photos, videos, tv and radio produced by Occupy Eugeneoccupyall1@gmail.com

Occupy Eugene Media Group
Posts Tagged ‘elite’
14/5/14 Occupy Radio: Dr. Jeffrey Winters, America is an Oligarchy and a Democracy
14/5/14 Occupy Radio: Dr. Jeffrey Winters, America is an Oligarchy and a Democracy

Approval ratings for the United States Supreme Court have been trending steadily downward since the Citizen’s United ruling gave Corporations unfettered spending power in U.S. elections. At the same time, public approval of the corporate-financed Congress is also at an all time low. But never fear, Occupiers, corporate profits have never been better. Listen on […]

14/4/30 Occupy Radio: Dr. Benjamin Page, Co-Author of the “Oligarchy Study”
14/4/30 Occupy Radio: Dr. Benjamin Page, Co-Author of the "Oligarchy Study"

Nearly half of all respondents in a recent Rassmussen poll believed a group of randomly selected people from the phone book would do a better job in Congress. American government is at a record level of dysfunction with a documented propensity for serving only those who can pay for service. Rivera Sun and Getch, talk […]