Occupy Eugene Media Group photos, videos, tv and radio produced by Occupy Eugeneoccupyall1@gmail.com

Occupy Eugene Media Group
Posts Tagged ‘rolling jubilee’
15/9/16 Occupy Radio: Public Banking, and RIP Medical Debt
15/9/16 Occupy Radio: Public Banking, and RIP Medical Debt

Listen on Archive.org: Download from Archive.org: We’re going for a late summer swim, Occupiers. Swimming in debt, that is. We all have debt. Student loan debt is even greater than credit card debt. Medical debt is destroying lives; and what about our national debt? The interest payments alone on all of that debt are staggering, […]

15/3/18 Occupy Radio: Strike Debt and Student Loan Resistance
15/3/18 Occupy Radio: Strike Debt and Student Loan Resistance

Debt. We all have it. Let’s talk about it. This week on Occupy Radio, guests Hollie Chaffee of the Corinthian 15 and Laura Hanna from Debt Collective explore the possibilities of turning astronomical debt into unparalleled collective bargaining power. Camilla Mortensen from the Eugene Weekly also joins us to talk about sexual assault lawsuits and […]

Occupy Radio: December 5, 2012

All OWS Show Sue Sierralupe of Occupy Medical Alex Paresic, Amin Hussein: Occupy Sandy and Rolling Jubilee Listen on Archive.org: Download from Archive.org: