Free Medical Clinics

Sundays, 12 -4 pm:  Downtown, corner of 7th & Pearl.  Dr. Knowlton, 12 -2pm; Dr. Howison, Spanish interpreter available, 2 -4pm.

Tuesdays, 5pm – 7pm:  Occupy V, 1274 W. 7th, Eugene.  Dr. Knowlton, 5 – 7pm.

Dr. Howison is a family physician with special interests in developing preventive health strategies for patients, holistic remedies, nutrition, obstetrics and pediatrics.

Dr. Knowlton is a family physician who has been practicing medicine in the Eugene area since 1997. He was the medical director of the clinic providing health care for the Makah Nation in Neah Bay, Washington from 1993 – 1997.

All are welcome, no charge. No appointments; first come, first served. If you have any medical conditions, concerns or questions, please come by. Let’s all do what we can to make our Occupy Eugene environment as healthy and safe as possible.

Please check the OE calendar to make sure the event is still valid.


Also available in : Spanish

OE Medical Clinic extra!

This Sunday, Occupy Medical Clinic Plus presents Bodywork Day! Bodywork specialists such as massage therapists and Reiki healers are offering free hands-on treatment for back pain, as well as Sundays’ regular offerings:

12 -4 pm:  Downtown Park Blocks, corner of 8th & Oak.  Dr. Knowlton, 1 -3 pm; Dr. Howison, Spanish interpreter available, 2 -4pm.

Dr. Howison is a family physician with special interests in developing preventive health strategies for patients, holistic remedies, nutrition, obstetrics and pediatrics.

Dr. Knowlton is a family physician who has been practicing medicine in the Eugene area since 1997. He was the medical director of the clinic providing health care for the Makah Nation in Neah Bay, Washington from 1993 – 1997.

All are welcome, no charge. No appointments; first come, first served. If you have any medical conditions, concerns or questions, please come by. Let’s all do what we can to make our Occupy Eugene environment as healthy and safe as possible.

Please check the OE calendar to make sure the event is still valid.

Spanish Translation

Occupy Medical Clinic “PLUS” presenta un dia de masajes terapeuticos. Especialistas de Reiki, metodo Bowen y otros tratamientos imparten sus servicios durante las horas de la clinica, 12-4 PM, en el Parque.

Domingos: de las 12:00 a las 4:00 de la tarde, el doctor Howison dará consulta en la esquina de 8th y Oak.  Habrá un interprete disponible durante el turno del doctor Howison.

El doctor Howison es un medico familiar certificado, cuyo enfoque particular es el desarrollo de estrategias de salud preventiva para los pacientes, los medicamentos holístico, la nutrición, la obstetricia y la pediatría

El Dr. Knowlton atenderá a pacientes en la sede de Eugene Toma las Calles, OE V. El es médico familiar con certificación profesional, que ha estado practicando medicina en Eugene desde 1997. El doctor Howison fue director médico de la clínica que brindaba atención en salud para la Nación Makah, en Neah Bay, Washington, desde 1993 hasta 1997.

Atención gratuita al publico en general. No es necesario hacer cita, se atiende en orden de llegada. Si usted tiene alguna enfermedad, o si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor, venga a vernos. Hagamos todos lo posible para que las condiciones en Eugene Toma las Calles sean lo más sanas y seguras que se pueda.

Por favor, vea el calendario de Eugene Toma las Calles, OE calendar, para asegurarse de que estas condiciones sigan vigentes.

Medical Clinic & Haircuts today!

Occupy Medical Clinic is hosting a free haircut day on Sunday, March 25, during regular clinic hours from noon to 4 p.m. Volunteer hairstylists will cut your hair at the Federal Building plaza on the corner of 7th and Pearl in downtown Eugene.

Ready for a radical change? Volunteer hairstylists will also be standing by to clip your ponytail to donate to Beautiful Lengths which, in cooperation with the American Cancer Society, turns these donations into wigs for children struggling with cancer.

To donate your hair, please arrive with clean hair tied back in a ponytail or braid 8 inches or more in length.

Unbleached hair and hair with less than 5 percent gray will be accepted.

Free haircuts are given to all on a first come, first served basis.

Regular Medical Clinic hours:

Sundays, 12 -4 pm:  Downtown, corner of 7th & Pearl.  Dr. Knowlton, 12 -2pm; Dr. Howison, Spanish interpreter available, 2 -4pm.

Tuesdays, 5pm – 7pm:  Occupy V, 1274 W. 7th, Eugene.  Dr. Knowlton, 5 – 7pm.

Dr. Howison is a family physician with special interests in developing preventive health strategies for patients, holistic remedies, nutrition, obstetrics and pediatrics.

Dr. Knowlton is a family physician who has been practicing medicine in the Eugene area since 1997. He was the medical director of the clinic providing health care for the Makah Nation in Neah Bay, Washington from 1993 – 1997.

All are welcome, no charge. No appointments; first come, first served. If you have any medical conditions, concerns or questions, please come by. Let’s all do what we can to make our Occupy Eugene environment as healthy and safe as possible.

Please check the OE calendar to make sure the event is still valid.