• OEN meeting minutes, 2012-07-17

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    OEN meeting, 2012-07-17

    Sharon, Katia, Larry, Vickie, Chase, Vincent, Jerry


    • Sharon
    • Education
    • Newsletter theme(s)
    • Photo history of OE
    • Fix masthead
    • Solicitations
    • Dental article issue
    • Article submissions
    • Mechanics
    • Vincent’s stuff
    • Agenda review

    Sharon’s presentation

    Newsletter graphics:
    Lack of whitespace, visuals, and need to get firm to avoid printing so much copy (higher standards and more editing), which makes the newsletter very dense. Visuals and whitespace move the reader through the publication.

    The vision statement and the historical background: it was originally an open letter the city council which displaced the original vision statement. Jerry asks that Occupy Eugene do work to update, simplify, and reformulate OE’s vision statement, and sees graphics as part of the solution.

    Newsletter theme(s):
    Education and vision/retrospective could be integrated well. Consented to blend two highlights: history of movement and local, and return of students.

    Photo timeline:
    Captions, story-oriented/narrative, larger pictures. Will require improvement of photo handling. Requires further discussion and visioning at next meeting. Chase will bring his proposal.

    Fix masthead:
    Chase will redesign masthead. Further discussion of redesigns at next meeting.

    Dental article:
    300-500 words, subject to review and space requirements. Run two articles in parallel?


    1. Katia sol. article from Carla on event at Fed.
    2. Mary B. sol. article from Brave Beatrice on the story of her arrest
    3. Mary B. sol. article from Larry on event at Fed.
    4. Vickie sol. from UO student Alandro
    5. Vickie plans sol. from Katie, UO/Insurgent
    6. Vickie plans sol. from Wolfshadow/James, LCC
    7. Vickie sol. from Vincent K., high school student
    8. Katia sol. from LCC Torch
    9. Katia/Larry sol. from Jennefer Harper on K12
    10. Jerry article on online K12 education
    11. Katia plans sol. from Spencer Butte Middle school teacher who led Challenging Convos
    12. Chase plans sol. from Student Insurgent
    13. Larry L. plans sol. on dental article
    14. Jerry article on OWS, jobs, alternative businesses
    15. Chase article on history of movement
    16. Katia sol. from Allison Guzman/Lisa on Beyond Toxics or Centro Latinoamericano
    17. Katia sol. from Sierra Club? Lisa/Allison Coal Train coalition.
    18. Vickie article on Google Docs on Homelessness Q&A

    History theme possibilities:
    Good to make invitation on OEC contacts. “What did the past year in OE mean to you?” with submitted favorite photograph. Vickie will put submission request message on Google Docs where process and criteria will be refined. History A. Long article, History B. Short History, the Group mind.

    Minutes on website:
    Note time meeting adjourned, post on website 72 hours after.

    Website feedback:
    Options for type of content, “reserve right to edit all submissions”, if on behalf of committee…., subject to space requirements

    Vincent – Content value:
    Content can be valued by people outside of OE. Vincent proposes an immediate solution to fill the $100 deficit from the newsletter this month. Artist could donate art and that could be end of their involvement. Or, art and its value could bring people into this movement. Store-front project?

    Larry/Chase will campaign for Vickie’s article in EW.

    Newsletter button finance request:
    Chase will handle this.

    Meeting adjourned sometime before 4:30p.


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