Occupy Eugene Website

This website is no longer updated. It is maintained for historical purposes documenting the Occupy Wall Street Movement in Eugene, Oregon.

Excerpts from the book, We are Many: Reflections on Movement Strategy. From Occupation to Liberation.

The sedimentary nature of Power fears the chaos of protest. What the 1% knows as Stability, the Middle Class knows as Convenience. Protest is unstable and inconvenient. It pushes here and there, seeking ruptures in the fabric of the present. Success is not guaranteed. What is clear, however, is that the time of the present, of the possible has become irrelevant to thousands, if not millions of people. They are seeking the time of the future, of the impossible: Occupy is a stepping-stone to that time of the future. The encampments are no longer, but the spirit lingers, pushing here and there.

Vijay Prashad, This Concerns Everyone

Occupy grew out of a specific social, economic, political, and cultural context. Mass ruptures in the future will grow out of their own contexts as well. Perhaps Occupy will become a reference point that helps define and inspire movements that we cannot even imagine today, just as we could not have imagined what began in Tunisia in December of 2010.

Ryan Harvey, Occupy Before and Beyond

In September of 2011, Occupy Wall Street captured the imagination of people around the world and spawned political activity of a breadth and volume unseen in generations. Occupy’s approach left those who opposed it bewildered and disoriented—no single leaders, no one set of demands, a value on spontaneous direct action—and at a loss for concrete targets to shut it down. The broad appeal of Occupy drew supporters from a range of ages, backgrounds, and concerns who share disaffection and frustration with the current state of politics and economics in the US.

Rachel Herzing and Isaac Ontiveros, Reflections from the fight against policing

Well, in less than a month we’ve sparked the most dynamic American social movement in decades with hundreds of occupations springing up across the country and the world. I’d say that would qualify as something.

Mark Bray, Something That Takes Time

Where does the Occupy movement go from here? Its emergence in the fall of 2011 was extraordinary after a decade of fleeting struggles and collective impasse; its rapid dissemination across a wide swath of places in the months that followed was equally unexpected. Yet even amidst the endless surprises, Occupy also carries the sediment of past and recent struggles, from poor people’s urban movements and anti-police brutality struggles to the Arab Spring and precarity movements in Europe; it furthers encounters between organizers working on housing rights, student strikes, and prison abolition; and it offers a space for everyday resistance—simmering in homes, schools, streets, and workplaces—to arise into an outraged chorus that spans multitudes. Occupy is one of many loosely networked anchors in a sea of global revolt against the capitalist crisis, imposed austerity, state violence, and bankrupt avenues of acceptable politics.

Team Colors Collective, Messy hearts made of thunder

No movement ever changed the world in just three months. The fact that Occupy is now being criticized for failing to do so is a testimony to just how much we really did accomplish.

David Graeber

The Real Labor Day

Many do not know Labor Day was concocted by President Cleveland, with an insidious, but not official intent to diffuse support for May Day (International Workers Day), with it’s Anarchist and Socialist roots. To add even more insult to injury, american patriots re-branded Mayday as ‘loyalty day.’

Mayday has it’s roots in two different themes. First, it was a pagan celebration of the spring, which was opposed and suppressed by the church. Second, it commemorates the labor movement and the Chicago Haymarket Affair of 1886. The latter was a sequence of events that started as a large rally. There was a bomb blast, with several cops and citizens killed. Afterwards, government, business and the press perpetuated the red scare. Eight Anarchists were arrested and tried for the bombing, with four of them executed by the state. Historic analysis of the trial revealed the proceedings to be anything but a fair trial.  Labor continued it’s fight for the 40 hour work week and benefits and an end to child labor, for years to come. The labor movement achieved much, but many of the hard earned gains, are under threat.

If you are one of the lucky ones who’s boss gave you today off, enjoy your day.  Lastly, remember all of those who fought against the cogs of capitalism, with risk to their livelihood and lives, for many of the benefits we enjoy today, and don’t forget to celebrate the real labor day next spring on May 1st International Worker’s Day.

More Reading:




Neighborhood Anarchist Collective Share Fair

Join Neighborhood Anarchist Collective (NAC) with this month’s Solidarity Share Fair
“A Really Free Market”
The monthly Share Fair provides free resources and services from local organizations and community groups to unhoused and working class members of the community. There will also be food, live music, and a chance to know members of your community – and it’s all free.
When: Wednesday December 25th, 2019
Time: 3 pm – 6:30 pm
Where: Eugene Garden Club (1645 High St.)
Join NAC to help those in our community most adversely affected by capitalism
Share Fair Volunteer Info, go to: Share Fair Volunteer Info – Neighborhood Anarchist Collective
For more information, go to: Share Fair – Neighborhood Anarchist Collective

Candlelight Vigil for Those we have Lost to Homelessness 2019

Hosted by Stop Death in the Streets, Homeless Action and White Bird Clinic

From their facebook page

“Dozens of people died on the streets of Eugene in 2019. We will gather to show our respects and say their names.

We don’t have to watch this happen. Our community believes we can care for people in need. Join us to support those without homes on December 23rd. We’ll bring the candles. Stay for the City Council meeting to insist they do more, and do it now. No more deaths on the streets of Eugene.”


When: Monday December 23rd

Time: 6:30-7:30pm

Where: Wayne Morse Free Speech Plaza (799 Oak St.)

Event Flyer

Beyond Toxics’ Resilient Forestry Tour

Join Beyond Toxics for a beautiful walk among the diverse woods of a sustainably-managed
forest! We will be looking into the healthy ecosystem created through
sustainable forest management and how this strategy can be used to sequester
carbon and sustain healthy air and water in the face of climate change. David
Eisler, owner of Shady Creek Forest, will lead us on a guided tour through
stands of resilient woods. Oregon forests are at serious risk from increases in
disease, drought, and wildfires due to climate change. You will hear Eisler’s
perspective on forest resiliency based on his experience managing for long term
health along with financial yield.

Register at www.beyondtoxics.org no later than July 6th at noon.
This is a family friendly event; please no dogs. People who
register will meet at Lane County Historical Museum at noon to carpool. More
details will be emailed once registered.

Beyond Toxics (541) 465-8860
Email intern@beyondtoxics.org

Learn the Ropes: Safety and Security Training for Activists

A 4 hour intensive training from the Civil Liberties Defense Center, to impart knowledge and skills that will increase the security of individuals and political activist groups- a must for everyone fighting for a better world in these times. Learn about asserting your rights, the state repression our movement is facing and how to effectively combat it, as well as digital security for activists and best practices for private communications. It’s time to take yourselves seriously… don’t be organizing without these tools in your toolbelt!

Training line-up includes:
– Know Your Rights 201: The usual KYR, but expanded to include training on security culture, preparing for and combating state repression (Grand Juries, surveillance, SLAPP suits, RICO) and how to respond/what to do to protect yourself!
– How to copwatch and legal observe
– Digital Security for Activists

Come to this training and bring your friends! Let’s support each other in taking more risks and organizing in a safer, more effective way!

Facebook link to event

A Colony Called Oregon

Join Community Rights Lane County for a talk by Chuck Willer of the Coast Range Association on Wall Street
forest ownership, tax avoidance, and corporate forestry’s ecological
harm in light of climate change and social alternatives.

Where: Eugene Garden Club, 1645 High Street
When: Thursday, January 11th, 7pm

Free and open to the public.

Contact Community Rights Lane County
email: connect@communityrightslanecounty.org

Oxbow Creek Headwaters

Oxbow Creek Headwaters, Oregon Coast Range

Benefit for KEPW Community Radio 97.3 FM

Eugene PeaceWorks
Benefit for KEPW Community Radio 97.3 FM
Featuring “Alternative Radio” host David Barsamian
and a diverse music program
Whirled Pies, 199 W. 8th
November 15th 6-10 pm
Admission – sliding scale from $10 to $100

Proceeds paying for the new improved KEPW signal now reaching throughout Eugene, Springfield and beyond.

Legendary folk musician Chico Schwall and two of Eugene hottest bands: “Soul Vibrator” and “Fortune’s Folly” will perform. The first 25 paying after doors open at 6 PM can choose a free unique t-shirt or button and bumper sticker from the Eugene PeaceWorks collection.

One of America’s most tireless and wide-ranging investigative journalists, David Barsamian has altered the independent media landscape, both with his weekly radio show Alternative Radio-now in its 32th year-and his books with Howard Zinn, Tariq Ali, Richard Wolff, Arundhati Roy and Edward Said. His forthcoming book with Noam Chomsky is Global Discontents: Conversations on the Rising Threats to Democracy.

Chico Schwall is a folksinger, multi-instrumentalist songwriter and union activist. “Soul Vibrator” plays a groovy fusion of funk-electronica, psychedelic, soul, reggae, rock and jazzy tunes! “Fortune’s Folly” keeps the dream of alt-rock alive with the warm and fuzzy (guitar) feeling of those mid-90s women fronted bands like “The Breeders” and “No Doubt.”

Protect Our Public Forests Interactive Workshop

Cascadia Wildlands and Oregon Wild are holding an interactive workshop on current federal threats to public forests. Practice making your voice heard in defense of public lands.

November Tuesday, November 14,  6 – 8 PM
Sam Bonds Brewing, 540 E 8th Ave, Eugene

Help Cascadia Forest Defenders Stop Logging in the Goose Timber Sale

Forest Defenders have taken direct action blocking logging of Old Growth in the Willamette National Forest north of McKenzie Bridge, Oregon.
They have made a “a general call to action to all activists and organizers in the Pacific Northwest to help stop the Goose Timber Sale.” “CFD will maintain a presence inside the Goose Timber Sale that will force Seneca Jones Timber Company and the U.S. Forest Service to abandon logging of public lands.”
Below is CFD’s most recent communication and yesterday’s press release

10/24/2017, 10:00 am GET TO GOOSE BLOCKADE NOW, directions map
Cascadia Forest Defenders are asking “All press, media, activists, and organizers need to get down to Goose to check out or help out at the blockade.” “The Forest Defenders have blocked Seneca Company Loggers today but they expect a heavy police presence throughout the day. PLEASE COME READY TO RECORD OR READY TO SUPPORT.”
Map and directions to blockade, click here.

10/23/2017 1:54 pm BLOCKADE @ Goose Timber Sale. Press Release. Call to Action
Back to the forest… where we are going, we don’t need roads…
On October 23, Cascadia Forest Defenders erected a road blockade at the entrance to the W Timber Sale. Taking direct action against Seneca Sawmill’s plan to destroy thousands of acres in the McKenzie River watershed, the blockade consists of large slash piles, multiple cars, and a refrigerator – all serving as an anchor for an occupied platform suspended 80 ft up a Douglas fir tree.
“We’re protecting drinking water, biodiversity, a stable climate, and – ultimately – our own survival,” said Scrimshaw Forest, of Cascadia Forest Defenders,“We oppose resource extraction and deforestation.”
Today Forest Defenders effectively halted logging and will continue to save an estimated 50-100 old growth trees each day the blockade remains. Forest Service rangers visited the blockade this morning but no arrests have been made.
The sale is part of the 2000+ acre Goose Project in the Willamette National Forest. Logging began on October 16.​

Contact Cascadia Forest Defenders
phone: 541-554-2519
email: keepgoosewild@protonmail.com
website: Cascadia Forest Defenders | Direct Action for The Forests of Cascadia