Tuesday, February 21, 2012
7:00 pm until 10:00 pm
100 Willamette Hall, UO Campus
Park in Onyx parking lot/eastside of Franklin Blvd
Come watch a movie that will raise your awareness and inform our local activist community about other social movements in the world, so that we may learn and build solidarity. Discussion with Javier Lara, Northwest Treeplanters and Farmworkers United, follows.
In a journey from the mountains of southeastern Mexico to the northern border with the United States, Subcommander Marcos and the people of Mexico trace the forgotten face of a country. A celebration of the struggle for land and dignity.
After the movie, we can engage in a dialogue about the different perspectives we view or internalized the topic. At the end, I will like to link the point of the film to what PCUN does as a farm worker union in Woodburn-Oregon.
—Javier Lara, Northwest Treeplanters and Farmworkers United
Link: http://www.vivamexicofilm.com/eng.html
Contact Scott Fife, iconoclasmo.scott@gmail.com, 541-232-2868 for more information.