Petition to the Mayor and City Council


We the undersigned request that the City of Eugene continue to partner with Occupy Eugene to provide a safe community to the hundreds of homeless who have been forced onto the streets due to the economic injustices of our times and who have now found a safe community at the Washington/Jefferson Park Village.

The citizens of Eugene have donated to Occupy Eugene: tents, sleeping bags, clothing, temporary building materials, kitchen equipment and sufficient food for the Occupation to cook and serve over a thousand meals a day to the hungry. The Occupy volunteers provide thousands of hours of volunteer work each month. We ask that the City of Eugene continue to make the encampment space available and also provide electricity and water to the site in order to assist the citizens and the volunteers create a more humane existence for the homeless we serve. This will help the Occupation continue to meet the needs of our local homeless while pushing forth with their agenda to address the national problems that cause homelessness and the many other problems of social and economic injustice.

We ask that the encampment be supported until we the people, the City of Eugene and Occupy Eugene are able to find a better solution for our fellow citizens who have no homes but those they now make at the Occupy Eugene encampment.

If you support our cause, please sign this petition, and share it with the people in your life. Click here for a printable PDF of the petition, and here for one with larger print.

Please bring your signed petitions to our Info Booth at Washington/Jefferson Park between 6th and 7th Avenues. Thank you for your support.