Dave Lippman/Wild Bill Bailout Benefit for Occupy

Wild Bill Bailout, the Bard of the Bankers, and satirical songster Dave Lippman bring their Fairly Balanced Cabaret to Eugene on Friday, August 3, 8:30 PM at Cozmic, 199 W. 8th.  Admission $7-10 (no one turned away for lack of funds).  This is a benefit for Occupy Eugene/Occupy Housing and Foreclosure Action Committee.

It’s Occupy vs Occu-Buy with veteran satirical songster Dave Lippman fired up, and Wild Bill Bailout firing back over healthcare, warfare, climate scare and market bear, coming to Eugene with gut-busting political comedy and moving commentary. Bard of the Bankers Wild Bill Bailout represents the pro-torture, pro-war, pro-financial collapse point of view – in song. Get ready for high-end pop parodies and some very wise cracks. Visit http://davelippman.com for audio and video samples of the show.  Benefit sponsored by ACT (A Community Together – Lane County).

More information:  541-337-1643.