Policing the Police: Your Right to Record Law Enforcement

May 16, 5:30pm at 300 Country Club Rd., Eugene is the next Police Commissioners meeting where discussion of the policy will take place.  Go to the hearing or submit comments at http://www.eugene-or.gov/index.aspx?NID=1344.
      The Eugene Police Department is in the process of drafting a new policy regarding the right of the public to record police interactions. This forum discusses your constitutional rights to record police, why this right and responsibility is important to ensure police accountability, and how to record legally and safely. We also discuss the proposed draft of EPD Policy 415, “Recording Police Activities By the Community,” and provide information on how you can contribute to this process.
Eugene Policy 415 is being drafted right now and it needs community and professional input to make sure our constitutional rights are protected adequately.  Here is the link to a pertinent five minute clip from the last Eugene Police Commissioner’s meeting:  https://youtu.be/NDlBGUlpM4Q
Policy 415 and 606 for the pilot program putting cameras downtown can be viewed at http://www.eugene-or.gov/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/3638