Occupy Eugene Media Group photos, videos, tv and radio produced by Occupy Eugeneoccupyall1@gmail.com

Occupy Eugene Media Group


Bejamin Hunt runs the Gorilla Hair Salon at the Eugene Park Blocks (8th & Oak St.) from noon to 4pm on Sundays.  The Salon offers free professional haircuts while Occupy Medical’s clinic attends to people’s health needs.  The first Gorilla Hair Salon worked with Occupy Medical, cutting hair for the benefit of cancer patients.  People lined up down the block with long braids to donate.  Benjamin says that it was a great day and he decided then, that he would continue to do it.  Different hair dressers now volunteer their time as well.

Benjamin says having a haircut can very much be therapy to people; where he listens and they talk and then they get up feeling better with a new haircut and a new state of mind.  Benjamin shares stories of people excited for employment returning happy to tell him they got the job.  It may not seem obvious at first, how the Gorilla Hair Salon fits in with OM, but it sure turned out a great fit.

Screen Shot 2015-06-17 at 9.44.55 PMPhotos by Jana Thrift
Photos by Karen Moore
Photos by David Geitgey Sierralupe
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Benjamin Hunt Interview – February 9, 2014

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