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It’s a tale of two journeys this week on Occupy Radio. Jimmy Betts, of Beyond Extreme Energy, checks in with Rivera and Getch as he prepares to criss-cross the nation calling out the oppressive, racist, corporate forces willing to exchange human life for profit. Then, Kim Redigan joins us from Detroit, Michigan, where she recently […]
Occupy Central with love and peace has been filling downtown Hong Kong with thousands of people demanding their democratic rights. This week, Occupy Radio speaks with Victoria Hui about what is becoming known worldwide as The Umbrella Movement. Also, Camilla Mortensen from the Eugene Weekly gives up the scoop on the record-breaking spending over Oregon’s […]
Water is a human right; we can’t survive for more than three days without it. In Detroit, residents are battling water shut-offs and emergency managers to make sure all people have access to affordable water. This week on Occupy Radio, we interview Tawana Petty, an organizer who has been front and center in the Detroit […]
Michigan’s Emergency Manger law was given sweeping powers over local governments in early 2011, and those powers were voted out by popular referendum in 2012. Now, in 2014, Michigan’s Emergency Manager law is stronger than ever. Rivera Sun and I talk with Claire McClinton of Flint, and Sylvia Orduno, of Detroit, Michigan. We discuss human […]