Occupy Eugene Media Group photos, videos, tv and radio produced by Occupy Eugeneoccupyall1@gmail.com

Occupy Eugene Media Group

OURS (Occupy the Universal Right to Survive) CAMP ON 11TH AVENUE – FEBRUARY 26, 2015 – Interviews with People at the Protest Camp

When you ask people why they are there (at an OURS Protest Camp), you may get a variety of answers.  However one theme seems to appear.  The economic system in our country is struggling and people can barely afford housing.  Those that have lost their homes are criminalized for having no place to sleep, making it that much harder to become housed again.

Simple needs for survival (like using a bathroom) are withheld from you if you are unhoused.  The Protest Camps make the public look at the problem of people being forced to shelter themselves illegally while providing vital community based help to those in need.  Hearing from people living on the streets is important, because you quickly come to understand that they are just humans.

Screen Shot 2015-06-15 at 6.52.44 PMInterview with Ambrose

Interview with Mike

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