Occupy Eugene Media Group photos, videos, tv and radio produced by Occupy Eugeneoccupyall1@gmail.com

Occupy Eugene Media Group


Health and wellness is the focus of NHS.  It is accessible and inclusive.  Both able-bodied people and those with disabilities are welcome to camp there. This maintains a balance, so that campers who need assistance can find it among the other campers.  The site is a blessing for those that live there and when you visit you may think that the tent shelters are a tough way to live but residents will tell you that they are just so thankful to be allowed a space they can call their own.

The photos and videos of the NHS site really show how hard work pays off.  To attain the site and then make it into a refuge for 30 people took the time and effort of many volunteers.  It’s continued operation is also a lot of work but a little help goes a long way for people at NHS and it is all worth it when you see how much the sanctuary means to each resident.

LS--IMG_0619Photos by Jana Thrift
Photos by Debra M. Josephson
Photos by Nathan Showers

Photos and Videos Listed by Subject & Date:

Nightingale Health Sanctuary Camp – Photos – January, 2015



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