UPDATE: 1/21/12 Occupy Oregon General Assembly


as of Friday afternoon, 20th January:

Bill here from Occupy Salem Oregon.

The weather is totally not with us for an outdoor event, so we’ve changed the place. We’ll be indoors!

The new site is First Congregational Church, 700 Marion St NE, Salem 97301, five blocks from the Capitol. Parking is free on streets all around on Saturdays. The schedule and agenda remain the same but the band has cancelled, so we’ll have to entertain ourselves. We’ll rally at noon, with speakers and a speak-out, march downtown at 1pm, and hold the first Occupy Oregon General Assembly right after the march. The space is reserved from 11 to 5.

Please pass on this information to everyone who made plans to be at the Occupy Oregon Assembly rally this Saturday, or is still thinking about it. It will certainly be more comfortable indoors, and will likely be more productive. Bring signs for the march! Since the day marks two years since the horrible Citizens United v. FEC decision, corporate personhood, money as speech, and a constitutional amendment to end them is the focus.

We’ll have access to coffee and tea equipment and a sink, but not cooking facilities or utensils. Food to share would be nice and we’ll need to bring our own coffee, tea, and utensils.

We will have people at the steps to redirect to the church.  We will be in the basement, room for about 300
Occupy Oregon!


Info as of Tuesday, January 18th:

Saturday Jan 21st.The rally is on!
Starting 10am on the capitol grounds in Salem

Tables and booths can be set up by the different occupations that are
represented, as well as by work groups, committees, organizations,
etc. There will be time for mingling, getting to know everyone from
around the state and what they are doing. We can start talking, and
deciding, about what the state GA will look like, what the agendas can
be, where do we go from here, etc.

Music is being provided by Sol Seed they will be performing on the
capitol steps.
There are some good, knowledgeable speakers that will be talking
during the day. We may even have an open mic session.

The march will begin at 12:00 – 1:00 pm. We will be stopping at
various places like the Oregon Supreme Court building, the Associated
Oregon Industries offices, and others.

The GA will begin at 3:00-4:00 pm
The GA is a big part of this! Occupations from all over the state will
be together, showing unity and strength, making future plans, setting
agendas. It will be whatever we make it.

This rally is also the starting point of “Occupy the Legislature”
beginning on Feb 1st. Which is the opening day of the 2012 legislative
session. Much of the the discussion/planning that will be happening on
Jan 21st will be on this subject. We’ll be dealing with legislative
issues, corporate political power issues, lobbyists, the internal
legislative processes, and so forth. Bring your ideas!
In these next few days we need to continue to contact our fellow
occupiers around the state and encourage them to get to Salem. Even a
few folks from each of the occupations would be great!

Previously posted:

On Saturday, January 21, 2012, from 5:00 pm to 10 pm, Occupiers from all over Oregon will gather in Salem to rally with representatives from Astoria, Bend, Eugene, Salem, Portland, Seaside, and all other Oregon Cities to prepare for Occupy the Legislature on February 1st.

We will have an agenda discussion, which will include political involvement tactics, non-violent civil disobedience, and logistics.

We will be discussing housing options for people coming from outside of the Salem regions, so we can make sure thousands of Oregonians can be present on the first in a timely fashion.

Inspired by Occupy Wall Street, affinity groups from Unified Oregon Occupations are holding a General Assembly, following the nationwide Occupy the Courts Solidarity demonstration, on the steps of the Capitol Building in Salem.

If we show Solidarity, we can have an action similar to the protests in Madison, Wisconsin.


Corporations are NOT people. Money is NOT Speech. ALEC and profit driven lobbyists will no longer control our government. The time has come to make these truths evident to the Capital.

Exercise your freedom and challenge systemic oppression. Occupy Multiply!
