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Is the Apocalypse a fiery time of crisis and doom? Or is it a gentle lifting of a veil, revealing a new world, fully formed and relatively crisis free? Nathan Schneider, author of “Thank You Anarchy: Notes From the Occupy Apocalypse,” joins Rivera Sun and me, as we discuss the Occupy Apocalypse, this week on […]
Join us for Thanksgiving with the Cook Sisters, and the table talk is all about running an organic food cooperative in Maine. It’s food politics for the holidays as Getch joins Rivera Sun and her sisters Marada and Leah, Proprietors of the Crown O’Maine Organic Food Cooperative, this week, on Occupy Radio. http://www.crownofmainecoop.com/ Rivera Sun: […]
It started with the US military passing around old armored vehicles and military gear, then, after 911, Homeland Security upped the ante and started offering grants for new military gear for domestic police forces. Now, welcome to the Police Industrial Complex. Radley Balko, author of the “Rise of the Warrior Cop,” talks with Rivera Sun […]
Frackers tried to move into Quebec’s St. Lawrence River Valley, and they were chased back out again by an activated populace. But one victory isn’t enough. With a grassroots surveillance system set up throughout the valley, the Anti-Frackers will know as soon as the industry tries to make its return. Rivera Sun and I talk […]
The Occupy Movement went from back page to front page news when the NYPD turned violent. The ju-jitzu of non-violence uses the oppressive response of a state or corporation as a tool to gain popular support. As police forces become militarized globally, non-violent resistance has risen to meet the challenge. Rivera Sun co-hosts and George […]
In Kentucky v King, the United States Supreme Court, ruled police don’t need a warrant to enter private homes under emergency circumstances. Now, throughout America, police are routinely knocking down doors without warrants and often, opening fire on the startled people they find inside. I join John Whitehead, author of A Government of Wolves: the […]