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What do the majority of the non-violent revolutions that swept the world over the last ten year have in common? Reportedly, they were both rooted in the non-violent organizing principles created by Gene Sharp, and the Albert Einstein Institution. The Orange Revolution in the Ukraine, the Serbian Revolution which ousted Slobodan Milosevic, and from the […]
In America corporations are people and money is speech. In American elections, voters are crowded out by dollars. Do you miss your freedom of speech, or protections against unreasonable search, seizures and imprisonment? You can join the growing tumult in the streets, or you can get constitutional. Dan Marks, of articlev.org says we have everything […]
Revolution is a difficult thing to talk about. When groups have different views of revolution , chances are, they’re not going to talk for long. The trick is knowing just how much revolution society can safely ponder. Rivera Sun, author of the Dandelion Insurrection, and Susan Strong, author of Move Our Message: How to Get […]
Keith McHenry spent two years in prison for the crime of conspiracy to give away free food. When he was released, he went right back and gave away more food. Pretty soon, thousands o f people began risking arrest globally giving away food. Keith talks about Food Not Bombs, the revolutionary group, the State Department […]
Americans pay more in taxes for their healthcare system than Canada, Germany and the UK. In exchange we get thousands of deaths and millions of bankruptcies every year. Doctors Leigh St. Louis and Mark Brauner, join Sue Sierralupe and me to talk about their work with Occupy Medical, Obamacare, and the Medical Industrial Complex this […]
The united states is so strapped for cash, we can barely keep the billions floating to the top. By Halloween, Congress may be faced with loosening the belt another couple notches on our growing national debt. Better keep an eye on medicare, foodstamps, and jobless benefits. But why have this debate at all? Ellen Brown […]