Occupy Eugene Media Group photos, videos, tv and radio produced by Occupy Eugeneoccupyall1@gmail.com

Occupy Eugene Media Group

SLEEPS (Safe Legally Entitled Emergency Places to Sleep) – A NEW PROTEST CAMP AT THE OLD FEDERAL BUILDING (7TH & PEARL) – DECEMBER 13, 2012 – Photos

When Lane County chose to erroneously shut down the Wayne Morse Free Speech Plaza, SLEEPS moved directly to the Old Federal Building on 7th & Pearl and set up a new Protest Camp.  This area is the second most popular place in history to practice free speech and it was the logical place to go.  The area is managed by the Federal government, instead of the City or County.  The hope is that the right of free speech protected in the United States Constitution will be upheld by the authorities controlling the Old Federal Building Plaza.

155428_4690690581207_2004550317_nPhotos by Dusk McNeely

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