Occupy Eugene Media Group photos, videos, tv and radio produced by Occupy Eugeneoccupyall1@gmail.com

Occupy Eugene Media Group
Posts Tagged ‘emergency manager’
14/7/2 Occupy Radio: Emergency Managing the Corporate Takeover of Michigan
14/7/2 Occupy Radio: Emergency Managing the Corporate Takeover of Michigan

Michigan’s Emergency Manger law was given sweeping powers over local governments in early 2011, and those powers were voted out by popular referendum in 2012. Now, in 2014, Michigan’s Emergency Manager law is stronger than ever. Rivera Sun and I talk with Claire McClinton of Flint, and Sylvia Orduno, of Detroit, Michigan. We discuss human […]

14/5/28 Occupy Radio: Reverend Edward Pinkney Fights Whirlpool and Crooked Cops
14/5/28 Occupy Radio: Reverend Edward Pinkney Fights Whirlpool and Crooked Cops

With a corrupt police force backing the dictates of an unconstitutional Emergency Manager, Whirlpool has just about seized control of Benton Harbor, Michigan. A campaign of violence and intimidation drove most residents away, and left those remaining living in nearly third world conditions. Rivera Sun and Getch talk with the Reverend Edward Pinkney, of the […]