Occupy Eugene Media Group photos, videos, tv and radio produced by Occupy Eugeneoccupyall1@gmail.com

Occupy Eugene Media Group
15-7-15 Occupy Radio: Corporate Overreach in the Pipeline Wars; Klamath Tribe Fights for Water Rights


The assault on Native American water rights is expanding, Occupiers. While up in the Northeast, corporate pipeline politics is making activists of people on the left and the right.

Ramona Mason, details the struggle of the Klamath Tribe of Southern Oregon. Klamath Tribal leaders signed away historic water rights with votes from only twenty percent of eligible voters. We’ll hear about the struggle to retain 150 year old water rights.

Charlie Derber checks in from Boston, where Spectra energy is running roughshod over property rights as it plants another pipeline to carry more dirty energy. Charlie tells a tale of the people versus the corporations, this week on Occupy Radio.

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