Equinox of the Heart and Mind

In the final moments of our last gathering at the Washington/Jefferson Occupation a single acorn fell into the center of our silent meditation/prayer circle. As the Equinox approaches, along with the 25th gathering of Occupying the Heart and Mind, the call has come to plant this seed, a symbol of our vitality and future strength from the trees that once formed the basis of a gift economy within our bio-region.

Regardless of our names and affiliations, those of us who have come together to create a transformation of global consciousness will only continue to dig our roots deeper as we reach toward the light, nurtured by the love and support each of holds in our hearts and minds.

Please come join us in celebration on Saturday March 17th from 2:00-4:00 at the Occupy Headquarters (7th and Polk). We are putting out the call for 25 members of our community to hold the circle on this special day. After an hour of silent meditation/prayer, there will be a sharing circle, followed by a brief planting ceremony. Everyone is invited to bring a handful of sacred earth and/or holy water, as an offering to the earth that sustains us. You may also choose to bring something for the altar. Don’t forget to DRESS WARM* and RSVP, if possible.

2:00-2:15pm Gather and set up alter

2:15-3:30 Silent Meditation/Prayer Circle

3:30-4:00 Sharing Circle and Planting Ceremony

(A bell will be rung at 15 minute intervals signifying an opportunity to enter or exit the space without disturbing others)

*the space may not be heated.