Occupy Eugene Media Group photos, videos, tv and radio produced by Occupy Eugeneoccupyall1@gmail.com

Occupy Eugene Media Group
15/3/11 Occupy Radio: Students Resist High Stakes Testing

albq student walkout square

Too much testing, Occupiers, has led thousands of public school students nationwide to walk out on corporate standardized tests. This week on Occupy Radio, we talk with Monty Neill, executive director of FairTest, about the use, overuse, and abuse of high-stakes testing in determining our students’ and schools’ futures. We also speak with Ethan Green and Israel Muterperl who are on the ground in New Mexico, supporting the most recent wave of student walk-outs

Santa Fe #SayNoToPARCC Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Santa-Fe-saynotoparcc/908099672545172

Hundreds of students protest against PARCC exam for second dayhttp://www.abqjournal.com/549190/abqnewsseeker/rio-grande-high-students-walk-out-again-to-protest-parcc-test.html

Rethining Schools facebook page:http://www.abqjournal.com/549190/abqnewsseeker/rio-grande-high-students-walk-out-again-to-protest-parcc-test.html

Fair Test: http://www.fairtest.org/k-12/high%20stakes

A Cop Asks If She Has A Weapoin. He Doesn’t Like Her Quick Response (UpWorthy): http://www.upworthy.com/a-cop-asks-if-she-has-a-weapon-he-doesnt-like-her-quick-response?c=sr7&sr_source=lift_facebook

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