Occupy Eugene Media Group photos, videos, tv and radio produced by Occupy Eugeneoccupyall1@gmail.com

Occupy Eugene Media Group
15/10/7 Occupy Radio: Thomas Linzey and the Fight Against the Corporations
15/10/7 Occupy Radio: Thomas Linzey and the Fight Against the Corporations

Listen on Archive.org: Download from Archive.org: Across the United States, Occupiers, local communities are realizing practices like fracking and mountain top removal are dangerous, poisonous, hard on water supplies, and bad for local economies. At the same time, those same communities are finding that they have no legal means to address these issues. Thomas Linzey, […]

15/9/30 Occupy Radio: Prison Ecology Project; Fayetteville Voters Embrace Civil Rights
15/9/30 Occupy Radio: Prison Ecology Project; Fayetteville Voters Embrace Civil Rights

Listen on Archive.org: Download from Archive.org: The United States is a prison state without parallel. With 5% percent of the world’s population, the Land of the Free holds 25% of the world’s prisoners. When states lock up millions of people in densely crowded prisons, environmental impacts, to the prisoners, and the hosting communities, are sure […]

15/9/23 Occupy Radio: Chainbreaker Collective, and Santa Fe’s Resident’s Bill of Rights; Houston’s HERO
15/9/23 Occupy Radio: Chainbreaker Collective, and Santa Fe's Resident's Bill of Rights; Houston's HERO

Listen on Archive.org: Download from Archive.org: The American dream used to include a home for everyone, Occupiers. That’s no longer true as low-wage workers get crowded out of housing and opportunities. With the highest rent in the state, Santa-Fe, New Mexico is taking steps to address this issue. Tomas Rivera explains the potential impact of […]

15/9/16 Occupy Radio: Public Banking, and RIP Medical Debt
15/9/16 Occupy Radio: Public Banking, and RIP Medical Debt

Listen on Archive.org: Download from Archive.org: We’re going for a late summer swim, Occupiers. Swimming in debt, that is. We all have debt. Student loan debt is even greater than credit card debt. Medical debt is destroying lives; and what about our national debt? The interest payments alone on all of that debt are staggering, […]

15/9/2 Occupy Radio: SPLC Tackles the Private Probation Industry
15/9/2 Occupy Radio: SPLC Tackles the Private Probation Industry

Listen on Archive.org: Download from Archive.org: The 1983 Supreme Court ruling in Beardon v Georgia made it clear that courts could not revoke probation for those who justifiably could not afford to pay their fines. Over the last two decades a mulit-million dollar industry has grown up in direct defiance of the Beardon ruling. The […]

15/8/26 Occupy Radio: Fukushima, and Earth Overshoot
15/8/26 Occupy Radio: Fukushima, and Earth Overshoot

Mathis Wakernagle joins Occupy Radio this week to talk about Earth Overshoot Day. It’s the day each year when the human species uses more resources than the Earth can restore. That day keeps coming earlier and earlier every year. Kevin Camps of Beyond Nuclear peeled off from an Enbridge protest at John Kerry’s house to […]