Opinion: From Leaderless to Leaderful

Author: Reid Kimball
Editor: OE Communications
This opinion piece was approved by the OE Communications committee by receiving the minimum number of at least 6 votes needed for publication.

The Register Guard’s front page article “Protest Pioneers” written by Edward Russo, stated that people within Occupy Eugene (OE) “dislike calling themselves leaders.”

This is true for the most part. I have heard on numerous occasions talking with my brothers and sisters within OE that “there are no leaders,” and “we are a leaderless movement” because Occupy Wall Street was founded on the principles of being a people-powered, leaderless, non-hierarchical movement.

However, I have a differing opinion I would like to share with you all now. Rather than OE being a leaderless movement, or a movement with a few key people who are regarded as leaders, both inside and out, I suggest the following: Occupy Eugene is a protest movement in which everyone who participates is a leader.

We are not a leaderless movement. We are a leaderful movement. You, myself, and everyone in between are leaders. Think about it for a second.

We are making many sacrifices of energy, finances, and time. The sacrifices we make require leadership.

We are taking a proactive initiative to speak our rage against the economic injustices surrounding us; that takes leadership.

We are actively working on solving today’s most pressing problems; that takes leadership.

I joined Occupy Eugene because for once I felt empowered to do something about the governmental and systemic problems. Our energy and momentum depends on creating and maintaining that feeling of personal empowerment.

Calling ourselves a leaderless movement does not feel empowering to me. When we say, “there are no leaders,” I have to ask, who then takes responsibility for the mistakes that we have made?

Without leaders, how do we make ourselves accountable? How do we push ourselves to improve, to grow, and to win this fight against reckless capitalistic greed?

I don’t believe calling ourselves a leaderless movement gives us the personal power we all deserve. Nothing short of leadership is required of us if we are to improve our healthcare, our global economy, our government, our environment, and more. The job we have willingly accepted is daunting, but we can do it if we all believe that each and every one of us is a leader.

Every single day, each one of us commits a plethora of acts that demonstrate leadership. Some of us may commit more than another, but the quantity matters little. There are no ranks, no ladders, no silly job titles, just you and I, working together as equal leaders.

What if you don’t want to be a leader? That’s fine. But know that when I look you in the eye, what I see is a leader because your presence in the same room as I, tells me you have the passion, the smarts, and the leadership qualities we need. We need more people like you.

Police Say They Will Make No Arrests Tonight, Come Celebrate the Solstice With Us!

Lieutenant Kamkar has promised that he and his team will make no arrests tonight. So everyone come celebrate the solstice and farewell to camp party.

Earlier in the day Occupy Eugene did their first protest against the foreclosure crisis with their new BankBusters committee. The protest ended at the occupation site with a candle light vigil. For the past couple of days Occupy Eugene has been slowly dismantling structures while Eugene police posted notices to leave.

We have several livestream feeds covering tonight’s actions.



Twitter: #OccupyEugene

Tell Eugene City Council You Support OE

Many of us are saddened and angry with the Eugene City Council’s decision to shutdown our protest, in direct conflict with our constitutional rights as Oregon citizens to assemble peaceably and protest.

Oregon Constitution

Section 1. Natural rights inherent in people. We declare that all men, when they form a social compact are equal in right: that all power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety, and happiness; and they have at all times a right to alter, reform, or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper.

Section 26. Assemblages of people; instruction of representatives; application to legislature. No law shall be passed restraining any of the inhabitants of the State from assembling together in a peaceable manner to consult for their common good; nor from instructing their Representatives; nor from applying to the Legislature for redress of grievances [sic].

Now is a great time to contact Eugene City Hall and politely let your voice be heard.

Mayor Kitty Peircy
Called the emergency vote.

  • e: kitty.piercy@ci.eugene.or.us
  • p: 541.682.5010

Use this ward map to find which of the council members represents you.

George Brown
Voted AGAINST protest shutdown.

  • e: george.r.brown@ci.eugene.or.us
  • p: 541-682-834

Betty Tailor
Voted AGAINST protest shutdown.

  • e: betty.l.taylor@ci.eugene.or.us
  • p: 541-338-9947

Alan Zelenka
Did not vote, was not present at emergency meeting.

  • e: alan.zelenka@ci.eugene.or.us
  • p: 541-682-8343

George Poling
Voted FOR protest shutdown.

  • e: george.a.poling@ci.eugene.or.us
  • p: 541-517-3110

Mike Clark
Voted FOR protest shutdown.

  • e: mike.clark@ci.eugene.or.us
  • p: 541-682-8345

Pat Farr
Voted FOR protest shutdown.

  • e: pat.m.farr@ci.eugene.or.us
  • p: 541-682-8346

Andrea Ortiz
Voted FOR protest shutdown.

  • e: andrea.f.ortiz@ci.eugene.or.us
  • p: 541-688-5588

Chris Pryor
Voted FOR protest shutdown.

  • e: chris.e.pryor@ci.eugene.or.us
  • p: 541-682-8348

Press Release: OE Medics Help Save Another Life

OE medics help to save another life at W/J Park despite generator noise hampering efforts;
25 OE organizers arrive within minutes to help keep site calm for Eugene Police and Medics
On December 19th at approximately midnight a brief altercation occurred at the Occupy Eugene site. An extremely drunk individual with a heart condition came onto the OE site and started a fight with an OE occupant. Peacekeeper calls for de-escalation assistance went unheard because of the noise made by the four generators which now surround the site since high-powered security light towers were installed last Friday. Apparently Eugene Police were on site; the unconscious and injured instigator required CPR which the OE medic administered as EPD arrived on the scene. The man is in stable condition.

This is the 5th time that OE first responders have helped to save a life.

More than two dozen Occupy organizers and supporters arrived within minutes of notification. After establishing facts regarding the situation, they coordinated a peaceful vigil at the crime scene. Members of OE involved in the incident were given full community support. OE police liaisons provided relevant information to EPD officers. Police Chief Kerns, Lieutenant Kamkar, and City Councilor Ortiz were also on site. Lieutenant Kamkar did not expect any arrests as of 1:30am.

This press release has been approved by the General Assembly of Occupy Eugene.


12. 17 Open Assembly for the Public

Today, Dec 17 we invite any members of our community who are interested in Occupy Eugene to come to this Open Assembly. If you are interested in Occupy, and have yet to plug in, we send a special invitation to new faces.

WHEN: 4pm – 6pm
WHERE: 1274 W. 7th Ave. (7th & Polk), Eugene, OR (old AAA Appliance Building)

Occupy Eugene Member Hurt in Hit and Run

Dusk Winston, one of the 17 Occupy Eugene members arrested on November 17th actions was hit by a car yesterday in Portland, OR while participating in the actions to shutdown Portland commercial ports.

Seen in the nearly 1 minute video above, protestors were gathered nonviolently in the street when a car approaches and without stopping continues to drive through the crowd.

This is a 2,000 pound vehicle violently being used to hit peaceful, nonviolent protestors.

Dusk Winston has a badly hurt knee, though exact details are unknown.

Witnesses at the scene said police observed the hit and run and did nothing to apprehend the driver.

Dusk commented today,

“Unfortunately this has happened at a lot of the occupy movements and complaints go unnoticed. I am calling PPD today to file a complaint.”

A legal observer attached to Occupy Eugene wrote down the driver’s license plate: 329LHB.

This Wednesday, is a benefit for Occupy Eugene and the 17 people who were arrested during the November 17th actions. Considering the arrest and now being hit by a car, let’s get as many attendees as we can to show our support for Dusk and the others’ who have made many sacrifices.

Wednesday, Dec 14th, 9pm – 2am
Oak Street Speakeasy
915 Oak St, Eugene, OR 97401

Facebook Event Page
For those not on Facebook, here is the event description:

Join with us and help Occupy the Oak Street Speakeasy! Occupy Eugene has organized a benefit for the Eugene Seventeen – the seventeen demonstrators of civil disobedience who were arrested outside Chase and Bank of America on November 17th. Featuring music from Almond Davis and Aeon Now, among others, as well as spoken word, performance art, dance, slam poetry, and speakers. Suggested donations of $5-$5,000 go to help with legal fees and fines incurred, as well as toward the Occupy Eugene general fund to improve outreach programs and occupation site needs. Please spread the word and come if you can; no one will be turned away for lack of funds, but it is 21+. Come in from the cold for some delicious beverages, fantastic music, encouraging words, and radical persuasions. More events to come…