May Day Celebration

May Day Celebration
Whose Streets?   Our Streets!
People of Eugene, RALLY for your Rights!
Make your voice heard in the fight for Economic and Social Justice, Workers' Rights, Immigration Reform, and Environmental Sanity.
Exercise your First Amendment Rights to speak, sing, march, and organize!
5:00pm Celebration Rally at Kesey Square, W. Broadway & Willamette
5:30pm Solidarity March from Kesey Square to the Old Federal Building
6:00pm Party & Potluck at the Old Fed--Family Friendly Speakers, Music, & Entertainment into the night!
Brought to you by:  Occupy Eugene, The Civil Liberties Defense Center, and Community Alliance of Lane County.


Tug of War at EWEB Earth Day Celebration: Press Release

Contact: Scott Fife at iconoclasmo.scott@gmail.com541-232-2868
Occupy Eugene Earth Day Event Asks, “Is EWEB’s Green Image Just Greenwashing?”
April 18, 2013 – This Saturday, April 20, during EWEB’s 2013 Earth Day Celebration and beginning at 1 pm, Occupy Eugene will stage a “Tug of War” at 500 E. 4th Avenue in Eugene. Participants in this demonstration of the “pull between good and bad energy” want to encourage EWEB to move towards sustainable, decentralized power sources and farther away from the unsustainable, destructive, centralized power that currently comprises the majority of its energy portfolio.
Occupy organizer Scott Fife explains the symbolism of the exercise: “The survival of humanity will be decided in a total tug of war smackdown between good energy versus bad energy sources.” Fife suggests that EWEB greenwashes power sources that may not be so green by making unsubstantiated or misleading claims about the environmental benefits of its products, services, and technology.
At the event, Occupy Eugene will distribute handouts to inform and encourage people in our community to call their EWEB representatives and demand that EWEB’s green energy be “truly green.” In addition, a participant in the role of sportscaster will introduce and provide commentary on the bout between bad energy (fracking, nuclear, coal, biomass generation, and large dam hyrdopower) and good energy (solar, ocean-wave and tidal, biogas, and geothermal).
This press release is from the Communications Committee of Occupy Eugene that has been empowered to speak on behalf of the larger Occupy Eugene body.


A coalition of peace, justice and labor activists, including Occupy Eugene have organized 
several actions on Tax Day, Monday April 15th.  The coalition's message is calling on 
Congress to redirect war dollars to fund human needs.  Also, activists are demanding 
continued USPS Saturday delivery and to keep the Springfield Gateway facility open. 

11:00 AM @ The downtown Post Office, 520 Willamette Street, Eugene OR.  Organizers will be 
providing taxpayers the opportunity to decide where their tax dollars go, by inviting them 
to participate in a penny poll.  The poll participants will be given 10 pennies to put in 
jars representing a 6-category breakdown of the Federal budget.

12:00 Noon @ The downtown Post Office.  There will be a rally with speakers and music
1:00 PM.  Procession mourning the human costs of war from the Post Office to the New 
Federal Bldg, with a 1:30 pm rally.  Marchers will turn in cards to the Congressional offices of Senators Merkley, Wyden and Representative DeFazio that call on 
them to take action to fund human needs and not war.

Occupy Eugene/Occupy Bankbusters Benefit

Occupy Eugene and Occupy BankBusters will hold a fundraiser at Cozmic Pizza, Monday, April 8th, at 6 PM. Everyone is invited. Participants can get up to date on what Occupy is doing, buy raffle tickets for gift certificates from local businesses, watch the movie “The Secret of Oz” and discuss the historical events behind our current economic crisis and what some real solutions to our situation might look like. All this over beer and pizza.

Cozmic Pizza is located at 8th and Charnelton, in downtown Eugene, and their phone number is (541)338-9333. Donations accepted at the door. Twenty per cent of lifetime Cozmic gift certificates sold at the fundraiser, for later use, goes to support the local Occupy movement.