Thursday, Nov 17th is International Day of Action

This Thursday, November 17th, Occupy Wall Street (OWS) has called for an International Day of Action. In solidarity with OWS, Occupy Eugene is encouraging everyone to participate in this day of non-violent and direct action.

March With Us from Wake the Beast on Vimeo.

There will be a march on the banks starting at the Wayne Morse Free Speech Plaza – 8th & Oak at 12:00pm.  We will march against the banks along with the Eugene Springfield Solidarity Network and the Industrial Workers of the World.

The  march will be focusing on direct action and civil disobedience against big banks and corporate influence in the U.S. government. The march will convene at noon in the Wayne Morse Free Speech Plaza and march to several national bank branches downtown. A stop will be made at the U.S. Bank branch to protest the State of Oregon’s contract with them for the “ReliaCard,” which is used to issue unemployment benefits.

The National Consumer Law Center recently released a report on unemployment benefit cards, in which Oregon received a “thumbs down” ranking for the overdraft fees associated with the U.S. Bank-issued ReliaCard.

According to, Richard Davis, head of U.S. Bank, says the company expects to recoup about half of potential lost profits from swipe fee reform by nickel and diming the unemployed through prepaid cards and related products.

Nov. 17th marks the two month anniversary of several hundred courageous individuals who began occupying Liberty Square (Zuccotti Park). Since then their actions have given birth to the 99% movement that has spread across the country and around the world.

Last night OWS was evicted by New York Police. As of this writing OWS is still fighting for a place to occupy so that their voices can continue to be heard.

Let’s come together this Thursday to celebrate the accomplishments of OWS and tell the world that we will not give up easily.

Participate in a national day of direct non-violent action and celebration!

National Day of Action Against Banks Flyer | Umpqua Bank Flyer Quarter Sheets | National Day of Action Against Banks Quarter Sheets

International Day of Action poster

High-quality, print-ready versions (11×17, 15×24, 23×36) are available as a freely downloadable .zip file.

Let’s get these posters everywhere! The artist’s only stipulation is that they cannot be sold, only given away.

Props to for his amazing work!

*** Please support our 17 comrades who were arrested on this day.

*Fifteen of the Eugene 17 (arrested outside Bank of America and Chase on 11/17) have their court date Dec. 8 at 1 p.m. at 777 Pearl St. Rm. 104. Show up to support them!

*Dusk Winston’s court date is 12/7 at 9 a.m. MUNICIPAL COURT 777 PEARL ST. RM. 104

*Jacob Keeton’s court date is 12/9 at 9 a.m. MUNICIPAL COURT 777 PEARL RM 104

Celebration of Women’s History Month

In celebration of Women’s history month
Movie and Discussion: Whose Counting?
Marilyn Waring on Sex, Lies and Global Economics
Tues. March 20th/7 pm
@Reality Kitchen/245 Van Buren

Cosponsored by the Lane branch-Industrial Workers of the World,
Occupy Eugene,, Eugene-Springfield Solidarity Network,
& AFSME 3214

Cost: Free

Marilyn Waring is the foremost spokesperson for global feminist economics, and her ideas offer new approaches for political action. With persistence and wit she has succeeded in drawing attention to the fact that GDP has no negative side to its accounts–such as damage to the environment & ignores the unpaid work of women. “Why is the market economy all that counts?” Waring asks.


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Press Release: January 20th “Occupy the Courts”


Contact:, @OccupyEugene

January 20th “Occupy the Courts”
On January 20th, Occupy Eugene will join forces with other Occupations gathering at Federal Courthouses across the Nation and with “We the People Eugene” to rally on the second anniversary of the Supreme Court’s “Citizens United” ruling, which removes all restrictions on corporate political contributions. Corporations are not People! Money is not Free Speech!

Join Occupy Eugene at 11:00am for a rally at the Wayne Morse Free Speech Plaza, 8th & Oak St. From there, we will march to the new Federal Court house and join up with the Eugene chapter of “We the People.”

The rally at the Federal Courthouse kicks off at noon with labor activist Gordon Lafer of the UO Labor Education and Research Center.

Paul Cienfuegos, and political scientists John Davidson and Stan Taylor will join Occupy speakers at an open mike during the rally. There will also be live performances featuring guitarist David Rogers, the Occupy Street Theatre, Choirs, and Mr. Big. Hot chocolate and cookies will be served! This is a chance for everyone to celebrate, be informed, network and to let your voice be heard.

We call on the Eugene City Council to take action to get corporate money out of politics by passing a resolution like those passed recently in New York and Los Angeles opposing corporate personhood. Help us Occupy the Courts Friday January 20 from noon ‘til 5. It’s time to get together, get active, and get corporate money out of politics!
This press release is from the Communications Committee of Occupy Eugene that has been empowered to speak on behalf of the larger Occupy Eugene body.
