The Real Labor Day

Many do not know Labor Day was concocted by President Cleveland, with an insidious, but not official intent to diffuse support for May Day (International Workers Day), with it’s Anarchist and Socialist roots. To add even more insult to injury, american patriots re-branded Mayday as ‘loyalty day.’

Mayday has it’s roots in two different themes. First, it was a pagan celebration of the spring, which was opposed and suppressed by the church. Second, it commemorates the labor movement and the Chicago Haymarket Affair of 1886. The latter was a sequence of events that started as a large rally. There was a bomb blast, with several cops and citizens killed. Afterwards, government, business and the press perpetuated the red scare. Eight Anarchists were arrested and tried for the bombing, with four of them executed by the state. Historic analysis of the trial revealed the proceedings to be anything but a fair trial.  Labor continued it’s fight for the 40 hour work week and benefits and an end to child labor, for years to come. The labor movement achieved much, but many of the hard earned gains, are under threat.

If you are one of the lucky ones who’s boss gave you today off, enjoy your day.  Lastly, remember all of those who fought against the cogs of capitalism, with risk to their livelihood and lives, for many of the benefits we enjoy today, and don’t forget to celebrate the real labor day next spring on May 1st International Worker’s Day.

More Reading:

Candlelight Vigil for Those we have Lost to Homelessness 2019

Hosted by Stop Death in the Streets, Homeless Action and White Bird Clinic

From their facebook page

“Dozens of people died on the streets of Eugene in 2019. We will gather to show our respects and say their names.

We don’t have to watch this happen. Our community believes we can care for people in need. Join us to support those without homes on December 23rd. We’ll bring the candles. Stay for the City Council meeting to insist they do more, and do it now. No more deaths on the streets of Eugene.”

When: Monday December 23rd

Time: 6:30-7:30pm

Where: Wayne Morse Free Speech Plaza (799 Oak St.)

Event Flyer

Help Cascadia Forest Defenders Stop Logging in the Goose Timber Sale

Forest Defenders have taken direct action blocking logging of Old Growth in the Willamette National Forest north of McKenzie Bridge, Oregon.
They have made a “a general call to action to all activists and organizers in the Pacific Northwest to help stop the Goose Timber Sale.” “CFD will maintain a presence inside the Goose Timber Sale that will force Seneca Jones Timber Company and the U.S. Forest Service to abandon logging of public lands.”
Below is CFD’s most recent communication and yesterday’s press release

10/24/2017, 10:00 am GET TO GOOSE BLOCKADE NOW, directions map
Cascadia Forest Defenders are asking “All press, media, activists, and organizers need to get down to Goose to check out or help out at the blockade.” “The Forest Defenders have blocked Seneca Company Loggers today but they expect a heavy police presence throughout the day. PLEASE COME READY TO RECORD OR READY TO SUPPORT.”
Map and directions to blockade, click here.

10/23/2017 1:54 pm BLOCKADE @ Goose Timber Sale. Press Release. Call to Action
Back to the forest… where we are going, we don’t need roads…
On October 23, Cascadia Forest Defenders erected a road blockade at the entrance to the W Timber Sale. Taking direct action against Seneca Sawmill’s plan to destroy thousands of acres in the McKenzie River watershed, the blockade consists of large slash piles, multiple cars, and a refrigerator – all serving as an anchor for an occupied platform suspended 80 ft up a Douglas fir tree.
“We’re protecting drinking water, biodiversity, a stable climate, and – ultimately – our own survival,” said Scrimshaw Forest, of Cascadia Forest Defenders,“We oppose resource extraction and deforestation.”
Today Forest Defenders effectively halted logging and will continue to save an estimated 50-100 old growth trees each day the blockade remains. Forest Service rangers visited the blockade this morning but no arrests have been made.
The sale is part of the 2000+ acre Goose Project in the Willamette National Forest. Logging began on October 16.​

Contact Cascadia Forest Defenders
phone: 541-554-2519
website: Cascadia Forest Defenders | Direct Action for The Forests of Cascadia

Emily Semple Wins City Council Seat

Emily Semple (Occupy Eugene’s Brave Beatrice) has officially won a position on Eugene’s City Council. Lane County Elections has finalized the results and Emily won by 140 votes. We welcome her as our new representative for Ward 1 in Eugene. With national politics in turmoil we have managed to get one of our own occupiers in office to represent us locally! We have come a long way since the Eugene City Council was deciding our fate in Washington Jefferson Park. Congratulations and thank you for all you do and for being so awesome as to take on the system for us again.

Occupy Eugene’s own “Brave Beatrice” (Emily Semple) Is Running For Eugene City Council Ward 1

1pm Fri, Sat., and Sun. (May 6, 7, &8)
409 W. Broadway (Lawrence & Broadway), Eugene  OR
RSVP helpful but not required
(so we can have plenty pizza and cookies ready)
Beatrice REALLY needs volunteers who can give even as little as a couple hours toward bringing pamphlets to the doors of residents in Ward 1.  We need to let them know about their opportunity to vote for Emily as soon as possible!  Call anytime to be trained individually. Right now we don’t have enough helpers to do this important job, so we are calling Occupiers to action.  Please help us get one of our own into a place of representation, so we can be better represented!
Volunteer Campaign Manager Kristen Brandt:  541-515-2102

Lets get the last of Emily’s lawn signs up in Ward 1 from 7th to 29th Avenue and Willamette to City View.  If you live there please call or email so we can bring you a lawn sign.  If you know someone who lives there, let them know about Emily and help them get a lawn sign.  Please help others know “the choice is Semple”!
Volunteer Campaign Manager Kristen Brandt:  541-515-2102

Picture several intersections with people holding signs for Emily!  Cars honking in support as they drive by…  By showing our support and energy for her candidacy, we can show neighborhoods that voting for Emily is the best choice.  The more people see us supporting her, the more they will want to.  Please call or email to come get signs for a flashmob

Volunteer Campaign Manager Kristen Brandt:  541-515-2102

If enough people respond, we could parade downtown and in Ward 1 neighborhoods with signs for Emily!  The more people see us on the streets, the more people will want to follow our lead and support Emily Semple for Ward 1 City Councilor.  Come help Emily get elected.  Help her help you!  Please call or email to discuss when you might want to parade Eugene with signs for Emily.
Volunteer Campaign Manager Kristen Brandt:  541-515-2102

Elect EMILY — The choice is SEMPLE!

Go to for more information.

OEMG Releases the Community Solutions Media Library Right Here on Our Website!

The Occupy Eugene Media Group has been working on an archive of photos, videos, and podcasts that is now finally available.  You can go directly to the Community Solutions Media Library at The library is a table of contents full of media. We have more work to do but you can find a considerable amount of media there, beginning with Rob Sydor’s photos of Occupy Eugene’s first General Assembly September 29, 2011 and going all the way to our current efforts with Eugene’s Avant Gardeners, the Ninth Ward Protest Camp, and the various sanctioned camps that we have now. Twenty Producers have contributed so far with more to come.

We will be continuing to add media to the library and we hope that anyone who has relevant photos or videos will share them with us, so we can add them to the library also. You can put your photos on our Occupy Eugene Photos Facebook page, email Jana at or call 541-606-2025 for more information.

Please comment on the library pages, so that we can all become a part of the OE library’s narrative, describing the Occupation in Eugene and all the good work that it has inspired. We hope for the library to be a platform for Occupiers to share media about their efforts and a place where others can find put about our good work easily. Please feel free to make a donation to Occupy Eugene or our media group. Anything helps and we promise to use it for good. We also encourage you to volunteer your time. We greatly appreciate any offer to help with recording, editing, or data input. We have a computer for use as well as camera equipment, thanks to the Wayne Morse Project Grant!

–And please email me any corrections if you spot a mistake in the library–


OEMG has released another video that we would like to share!

This is a music video from the solo version of “Poverty State”.  This song is on the album “Going To Lift My Voice” released May 22, 2015 by Steve Gibson with the Crosscurrent Duo. This is an amazing CD!!! Thank you Steve Gibson for the honor of producing your first music video.

Go to for more information.

Just wait until we come out with the Crosscurrent Duo version of “Poverty State”–with both Steve Gibson and Ken Zimmerman!