Survey of the Common Voice

Survey of the Common Voice” is an independent study of the priorities and characteristics of Occupy participants and non-participants. The survey attempts to answer a range of questions, including:

  • Do ‘Occupy’ values actually reflect the values of people in America today?
  • Is Occupy really the voice of the 99%?
  • Are Occupy participants the only people who want to see more corporate accountability to the people’s needs?

As indicated in the final question above, individuals who do not consider themselves to be part of the Occupy movement are also essential to this study. We invite any and all interested individuals to submit a response. The goal, eventually, is to build a nationally representative sample.

The survey was designed by William McConochie, Ph.D. of Political Psychology Research, Inc., along with University of Oregon Students, Alicia Markus and Jamil Jonna (Doctoral Candidate in Sociology). The survey designers intend to share the results with Occupy Eugene and other occupation movements. if you would like to participate, please find the survey here:

Survey of the Common Voice

Below is an excerpt from the survey page. Please consider participating!

This questionnaire was inspired by the Occupy Wall Street movement, about which citizens have opinions that range widely from pro to con. This study seeks opinions of all citizens on both sides of the controversy. It hopes to provide objective information that can inform the movement and the community in general. It gives citizens an opportunity to express their opinions about community and national problems. In a small way, it is an attempt to measure the “common good”. The core content for the first half of the questionnaire was gleaned by one of the primary researchers at a committee meeting of Occupy Eugene (Oregon) at which participants voiced their primary goals for the movement. The content for the second half seeks demographic and other data about childhood, employment, income and other issues to put opinion data in perspective.

Unconference on Community and Bioregional Resilience

What could make a real difference for resilience and sustainability in the Eugene area and the Cascadia bioregion?

Bring your ideas, questions and projects about local resilience and sustainability to our self organizing “Open Space” Unconference 


Saturday March 31, 2012
City of Eugene Campbell Community Center
155 High St., Eugene, OR 97401

**Volunteers and food donations are needed! Please contact Lauren at if available **

This will NOT be your ordinary conference. Open Space events like this are participatory and self-organizing: YOU will make it the exciting gathering it will be. There will be no official speakers and no predetermined workshops or panels. Anyone who wants to create a session for any topic related to the question above will announce it in the first 30-45 minutes. Then we’ll just get on with it. We’ll be all together at the start and the finish – but in the middle we’ll each be doing exactly what we really want to be doing. And it will probably add up to something amazing.

Come to learn, share, explore, collaborate or organize around whatever has heart and meaning for you. We can make breakthroughs together because our diverse passions, group knowledge, meaningful conversations and new collaborations will make us far more smart and effective together than we are separately.

But this is important: Only attend if community resilience and sustainability are important issues for you. You may have more questions than answers – or more answers than questions – but it is your passion that counts here. This conference will ONLY succeed because of your energy and the energy of everyone else who comes. The participants will make this the thrilling event it is going to be.

SO please come if you find yourself thinking about things like…

• building local food systems…
• launching community currencies or credit clearing systems…
• nurturing the expansion of gift economies…
• developing peer-to-peer sharing and barter systems…
• strengthening your community’s “buy local” dynamics…
• promoting sustainable, sensible transportation systems…
• advancing local energy systems, local manufacturing, local entertainment, local celebrations…
• nurturing stronger relations among neighbors…
• reaching beyond the choir through media, community leaders, demonstrations, the arts, occupations…
• developing indicators of community well-being…
• bringing more heart, spirit, feeling, movement and vitality to sustainability activities…
• catalyzing conversations about how to get our needs met and live richer, more enjoyable lives without money…
• any other activity, idea or question that could strengthen the sovereignty, sustainability and vitality of our cities and towns…

Do you find yourself excited about things on this list? Then come to this Open Space conference March 31. We need you. We need each other. Your interest, your knowledge, your questions could make all the difference. And we need to make a real difference soon…

* Your participation in this event has been paid for by prior donors to the Co-Intelligence Institute. Instead of paying us back for a service rendered, you may pay it forward to help us to provide such services to others. If you wish to pay it forward, you may do it online or at the event.

Check out the event Facebook page here!

For more information about “Open Space” events, see here

Opinion: Failure within Occupy Eugene

Author: Reid Kimball
Editor: OE Communications
This opinion piece was approved by the OE Communications committee by receiving the minimum number of at least 6 votes needed for publication.

When I was a young boy skating during ice hockey practice I pushed myself beyond my limits to skate as fast as I could. I ended up falling down and crashing into the boards of the ice rink.

I wasn’t hurt in the slightest bit, but it was embarrassing. I knew my coach would be upset that I had failed to skate correctly. After I finished the drill behind the others, he skated over to everyone and looked at me straight in the eyes.

“Did you all see what Reid did back there?”

I knew it. I’m toast.

“He fell down, but he didn’t care. He got back up immediately and finished strong.”

I did?

“You can’t be afraid to fall. Every chance you have on the ice, you push yourself harder and if you fall, you get back up and try again.”

I was smiling.

He finished, “If you aren’t falling, you aren’t trying hard enough.”

This last statement has stuck with me ever since and I think it applies to Occupy Eugene in spades, because within OE we have a problem with accepting failure.

Many of us are young and inexperienced; I am one of them. I have made lots of mistakes, some small, some rather large. I see lots of my brothers and sisters also making mistakes. It’s not because we are unorganized, don’t care, or agent provocateurs. It’s because we are trying and working our asses off. When we do this, we push the boundaries of what we are capable of and undoubtedly, we sometimes fall.

If we aren’t falling, we aren’t trying hard enough.

Despite our efforts, instead of helping each other when some of us fall, I see many within OE verbally attack one another. These attacks do nothing but demoralize and humiliate hardworking, well-meaning individuals from working towards creating the world we all want to see.

Is this what we need? To make everyone fear the opportunity that exists within each failure?

Some see Occupy Eugene as failing. Ignoring the debate of what equals a failure; in my opinion any failure is OK and is necessary. Without failure, we remain stagnant, quickly becoming old, and ineffective.

Within my professional career of video game development we have the philosophy, “fail fast, learn faster”. This is because video games are very complex to create and it is not easy to plan ahead what the end game experience will look like.

Instead of spending two years and millions of dollars on one core idea, we crudely implement many ideas as fast as possible, fully expecting that most of those ideas will be utter failures. But each one will help us get closer to our end goal of creating the best game we can.

Those who embrace failure, welcoming it with excitement, tend to grow the fastest.

It is said that Thomas Edison was interviewed by a reporter who asked him if he felt like a failure for having created thousands of light bulb prototypes that did not work. Edison answered, “Young man, why would I feel like a failure? And why would I ever give up? I now know definitively over 9,000 ways that an electric light bulb will not work. Success is almost in my grasp.” And he was right, because after surpassing 10,000 attempts, Edison invented the light bulb and our world has never been the same since.

With each failure we grow stronger. We learn something new about ourselves, our community, the Eugene police, the city council, and more.

But we won’t be able to grow unless we can accept failure, and we won’t be able to do that if we continue to attack each other for our well intentioned efforts.

The story of our hopefully future triumph will include all the obstacles and adversity we faced along the way, each failure will enrich the tapestry of our collective experience. Let’s not knock people who have fallen down, but help them to their feet when in need. Their failure should be seen as a success to be celebrated.

If we all knock each other down, who will be left standing to help us up when we fall?

Help Pitchfork Rebellion Stop Big Pesticide

The people and forests of Oregon are being poisoned. These families of the Hwy 36 corridor now have the proof. It has been submitted and simply ignored.

Please come support them in this fight to make this well documented case public knowledge. Only then will things begin to change.

Who is the enemy you ask?: Monsanto, Oregonians For Food And Shelter, and the timber industry to name a few major players. Another perfect example of money in politics VS humans, land, water, and living ecological systems which are all being destroyed beyond repair.

Pitchfork Rebellion is an Uprising of Forest Dwellers who are tired of being abused by Big Timber and Big Pesticide – i.e. ‘Big Agriculture’ – and who believe, as documented in our ongoing Investigation of the Influence of Big Business on State and Federal Agencies, that the government agencies charged with protecting the environment and the public health have been effectively co-opted by private industry to the profound detriment of the environment and the public health.

Facebook Event Invite and Ridesharing

Pitchfork Rebellion Web Page

Discussion Night!

Every Sunday from 4-7 pm at OE V.

“Diversity of Tactics” is the discussion topic for the month of March.

This is a discussion, not a debate! We will be breaking into small groups of 4-6 people to ensure that each person has a chance to speak. Please come and share your views and your experience on this important topic. This is a great opportunity for us to all learn from each other!

When: Sundays, 4 – 7pm

Where: OE V, 1274 W. 7th, Eugene

Hosted by the Occupy Eugene Library Committee.
Contact us at:


Please call and write your state congressperson Monday!

We need Senate Bills 1552 and 1564 passed without Rep. Whisnant’s amendments that help the banks more than homeowners.

Perfidy is a word reserved for heartless and treacherous betrayal. This is the word to describe the cynical abuse being visited on the voters who elected Oregon Representatives Whisnant and Hanna.

Whisnant requested and Hanna assigned foreclosure reform Senate bills 1552 and 1564 to Whisnant’s House committee. Whisnant re-wrote these bipartisan bills to not only protect banks from prosecution for the fraudulent foreclosure practices which are increasingly coming to light, but to prevent the Attorney General’s involvement. A more cynical betrayal of the public trust is difficult to imagine.

Whisnant and Hanna support current bank practices of foreclosing on properties while pretending to be renegotiating problem mortgages; and for refusing to meet face-to-face with homeowners facing foreclosure.

The Senate agreed that these practices are wrong and passed SB 1552 and SB 1564 to correct them, but not only is Whisnant satisfied to keep these measures buried in committee, he’s substituted language which would worsen the situation for struggling Oregon homeowners, while giving banks license to commit even worse abuses, and a get-out-of-jail card.

If there were ever an example of a lawmaker working against the interests of the people, and using the powers of government to benefit corporations, it’s playing out right now in the Oregon House of Representatives. Perfidy is “the deliberate act of violating faith, a vow, or allegiance; treachery; the violation of a trust reposed.” Is there not honor in the Oregon House of Representatives sufficient to pass SB 1552 and SB 1564?

Don’t let banks write our laws, run, and ruin our country! Make them accountable for their crimes.


– Your Name

You Call to Action!

1) Send the above email to your State Rep. Cut and paste the message above the dashed line, above. Call them too and ask they support Senate Bills 1552 and 1564 without Rep. Whisnant’s amendments.

2) Forward this email in its entirety to your friends, colleagues, teachers, fire departments, police chiefs, mayors, other government officials – anyone and everyone who is concerned about the quality of our schools and other services.


Playing Politics with the Lives of Struggling Homeowners

The dastardly ALEC – corporations writing laws for legislators

This Email Action Campaign is from the Occupy Eugene Neighborhood Action Committee.

Volunteer Opportunities Updated

We have updated our volunteer opportunities page and invite you to see if there’s something you can help with.

Volunteering with Occupy Eugene is a chance to participate in one of the most exciting social change protest movements of our lives.

The time couldn’t be better to get involved as many of us have been involved since October and we can help you get situated quickly in a role that works best for you. Lots of exciting things will be happening this Spring. Help make sure that 2012 is a year to remember for the 99%.