Letter from Berkeley Veteran to Occupy Eugene

The following came via Facebook:
“Sue and I were out for a little run this morning, and we ran, as we usually do, down to the site. Most folks were asleep (trying to stay warm, we assumed) but we met a gentleman our age who said he was a veteran of Berkeley in the 60’s, and had come to give us this letter. It was typed, not word-processed, so I re-typed it in a document that I can send folks who want a copy. I also have the 3 typed copies he gave us–where should they go?”

I thought on this website would be a great place for the letter, it follows below.

Honorable and Intrepid Occupiers:

I am speaking to you across nearly three generations to advise you that you are doing exactly the right thing at exactly the right time.

We who have gone before, urge you to remain strong and committed to our common cause.

We who were at the Athens of the West back in the day (CA 1965-70) also had a lot on our plate: stopping the obscene war in Viet Nam; pushing the Civil Rights Movement; promoting the Women’s Movement and fighting for Freedom of Speech on our own campus.

These struggles were, most often, tedious and thankless since a majority of our fellow citizens seemed not to care or even approve of our efforts. It usually felt as if nothing was happening or changing, and it seemed to many of us, at the time, that “this isn’t working.”

The “Establishment” seemed to control everything: all the levers of power, all important institutions and, of course, the lamestream press which was just as lame then as now.

When push came to shove violence was routinely used to discourage and frighten us, i.e. when we were literally surrounded by bayonet wielding National Guard troops the Governor of CA threatened a “blood bath.”

On one occasion, a helicopter was used to spray military strength teargas (really vomiting gas) over the campus plazas to disperse a peaceful sit-in.

We had only a few weapons: the truth, the goodwill of the best people, and an unshakeable, stubborn commitment to justice.

Sounds hopeless. And yet…
Look around you now. The horror of Viet Nam is now just a shameful memory and a permanent stain on the honor of this country.

Not only is Jim Crow gone forever, even in its most ignorant strongholds, but millions of people who could not vote or go to a public university now barely remember their routine humiliation. Indeed some of these people are professors in those universities.

As for the women’s issues, today the majority of university students in this country are women, and in the workplace have reached near parity with their brothers.

All in all, not bad results from what seemed then to be a struggle against hopeless odds.

We will never know for certain how much our efforts contributed to this progress, but I am certain that we mattered a lot.

When you are making history it is not possible to actually see or feel “history being made.” You can’t ascertain how effective your efforts are (or are not). But, the super-wealthy oligarchs of this nation and their political puppets are working 24 hours a day 7 days a week for total control of our future. And if they succeed, greed, corruption and poverty will sink us all.

As far as we know, each of us has just one human lifespan on this planet.

Lets make our lives matter.

L. W. Jones

P.S. I am amazed that the talking heads of major media keep asking, “What do the occupiers want?” Tell them what we told them: We want Justice.

12. 11 Direct Action Training

Cascadia Direct Action TrainingThis workshop, presented by Cascadia Forest Defenders, takes you through the process of all that goes into a successful direct action.

Time: 3:00-6:30 Sunday, 12.11.11, 55 W. Broadway

It will include a history of DA in the movement, the roles inside affinity groups, the use of consensus process, managing conflict and deescalating situations, soft blockading, and legal implications. This is an interactive workshop that encourages but doesn’t require your participation in various DA role plays.

Download flyer

For more info, contact Matthew 319-331-4763 iowamatthew[at]gmail.com

12.11 Good Grief America to Co-host NAC Meeting

Got a problem with banks foreclosing on your home? Who ya gonna call?

The OE Bank Busters!

Good Grief America (GGA) has offered to co-host our next Neighborhood Action Committee (NAC) gathering this coming Sunday, the 11th, at 11am. We will meet again at the Reality Kitchen there on 245 Van Buren. This will be an info packed meeting. GGA has been involved in the Foreclosure issue for over three years now.

They have paved ways where Occupy Eugene NAC has only begun to scratch the surface. Nancie from GGA said we can stop/slow down almost every foreclosure proceedings here in Eugene and Lane County, and completely turn many of these illegal actions around.

Get your family, friends and neighbors to this meeting. It could easily become standing room only so bring a chair. See you there.

12.11 Free classes: Understanding the Constitution

Constitution Class Flyer Starting Sunday, December 11th at the Washington-Jefferson Park Occupation site is a series of free classes about analyzing the US Constitution.

Organizers are planning on this class being a weekly session. Unless people ask for the time/date to change, it will be on Sundays at 3pm at the Occupation site, open to the public.

The first class will be held with John Davidson from the UO. The intention is to break the Constitution down so that average citizens can understand what it means and what it means in their lives.

We want people to start thinking about real systemic change, and how the documents that run this system work and how they might work better for us. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Elizabeth Yandel at plantacara[at]gmail.com

12.2 – 12.3 Occupy Eugene Letter Writing Campaign

There are several events today and tomorrow for a letter writing campaign.

The campaign aims to write letters to City Council, the mayor and other decision makers to encourage them to extend our stay at the Washington Jefferson park. Please bring paper, stationary, envelopes, writing utensils, stamps, clipboards, and any other item that might be of help. Please come down and show your support for Occupy Eugene. Sign the petition asking the Mayor and City Council for continued support!

Occupy Eugene will be distributing literature and educating the Eugene Community about the Occupation and about some of our issues, supporters, etc.

1. Friday December 2nd from 4-6p.m. at Kesey Square (at the corner of Willamette St and Broadway, next to Voodoo Donuts)

2. Saturday December 3rd from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Geodome on site.

(Note: this event will continue at Cozmic Pizza from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.)

3. Saturday December 3rd from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Cozmic Pizza (199 West 8th Avenue Eugene).

12.7 CLDC Trainings – Know Your Rights

CLDC is offering a know your rights training for Occupy activists Wednesday, December 7th, 5:30p at 55 Broadway.

This know your rights training is open to anyone in the community that is interested in helping the defend the OE site, should that be necessary.

We highly recommend that everyone attend a training so you know what your rights are, and what your responsibilities are if you get arrested. Bring notepad and chair/mat to sit on if you’d like.

LA and Philly Occupations Face Evictions

Tonight, Occupy LA and Occupy Philly are facing much adversity as their city governments plan to use their citizens’ tax dollars to have their police forces evict the most promising social change movement in decades from their occupation sites.

Occupy Eugene, which faces our own uncertain future this December 15th, stands in solidarity with Occupy LA and Occupy Philly. Stay safe and stay peaceful.

It wasn’t that long ago that NYC’s own Occupy Wall Street was shut down. Now we are seeing OWS aligned occupations being knocked down like dominoes all across the country. The LA Times reported about Occupy LA and the Washingstonpost.com reported on Occupy Philly.

Please visit Occupy LA and Occupy Philly for more information.

11.30 Operation Walk Out

Education Alliance Walkout PosterThis Wednesday, November 30th, 12:15 pm at the University of Oregon EMU Amphitheater is Operation Walk Out!

A national event – 24,000 teachers striking because of pension changes.

Students and teachers have been greatly impacted by the economic crisis. Education needs to be top priority.

Students, teachers & faculty marching against education cuts, tuition hikes, administrative salary raises & student tuition fees subsidizing athletics.

Walking out at 12:15 pm, meeting at the UO EMU amphitheater where there will be a rally followed by participatory action.

If you have any input or want to participate in speaking at the rally please contact Stella at stella.bee828 [at] gmail.com or drop by our meeting this Tuesday anytime between 3-5 in the Ben Linder room inside the EMU.

Check out the Operation Walk Out Facebook page.

Download the flier to pass on to others.

Occupy the Mall on Buy Nothing Day

Occupy the Mall FlyerFor every dollar or credit spent on gifts, we sacrifice time, giving something material in exchange for providing our friends and family with the gift of ourselves.

We remain deprived of connection with those around us, and struggle to fill this emptiness with commodities that we do not need. In reality, all we need is one another. BUY NOTHING.

On Buy Nothing Day, “the goal is to give presence, not presents,” says Kristen Carpenter, a member of the Occupy Eugene Actions committee. “The only gifts to give are those that can be measured in heart. Break the chains of consumerism, give your family the gift of time.”

In celebration of Buy Nothing Day, this Nov. 24th (Thanksgiving) at 11:45pm until 9:00 pm, Nov. 25th (Black Friday) there will be a midnight madness flash mob, “Occupy the Mall” at the Valley River Center in Eugene, OR.

You’ve probably seen other flash mobs, where unsuspecting strangers in a public space were suddenly treated a visual and audio feast of music, signing and dancing. Word is that this event will be “EPIC”!

For More Info: Text @oe_actions to 23559 to sign up for flashmob text alert system/instructions and actions alerts.

Form an affinity group and make it a party! Contact Kristen at delta32 [at] mac.com for affinity group instructions.

Download the flyer and pass it around.


Alternate flyer for this event http://i40.tinypic.com/35lc01u.jpg

“You have succeeded in life when all you really want is only what you really need.” ~Vernon Howard

“Business is the art of extracting money from another man’s pocket without resorting to violence.” ~Max Amsterdam