Send Foreclosure Letter to Governor

This Friday, April 6th the Occupy Foreclosure Action Committee is calling on you to send the Oregon Governor a letter we have written asking him to sign 1552 into law and impose a moratorium on foreclosures until the law can be implemented, 91 days after he signs it. There is no deadline, but we would love to have the governor receive as many letters within one week as possible.

1552 recently passed during the Oregon state legislative session and it ends a process known as duel tracking. Duel tracking is when the banks claim to be negotiating with homeowners, but instead they lie, saying they never received homeowner submitted documents to purposefully stall the process so they can foreclose on the homeowner at the same time. That is no longer allowed according to 1552. The bill also requires banks to meet with homeowners in loan modification negotiations if the homeowner requests it.

1552 isn’t perfect, but it will help some homeowners, and it needs to be signed immediately. However, even after being signed by the Oregon governor, it won’t go into affect for an additional 91 days. We are calling on the Oregon governor to implement a statewide moratorium on foreclosures until the bill can be completely implemented and effective.

The letter we have drafted for you to send is below. You can copy and paste into your document editor software of choice or download the DOC to print, sign, and send to the Oregon governor. We recommend sending it via registered returned receipt from your local US post office to be sure they received your letter.

Thank you for all you do!
– The Occupy Foreclosure Action Committee

Governor Kitzhaber
160 State Capitol
900 Court Street
Salem, Oregon 97301-4047
[Today’s date]

Dear Governor Kitzhaber,

I am a concerned citizen living in Eugene Oregon and I respectfully call on you to act in your capacities as chief executive and the chief defender of the State’s laws and immediately impose a moratorium on all foreclosures in Oregon until SB 1552B takes effect. I also respectfully urge all due haste in signing SB 1552B into law.

I am gratified by the passage of SB 1552B, which mandates face-to-face mediation between banks and homeowners, offers more protection for renters of foreclosed properties, and ends “dual tracking” efforts by lenders. This legislation offers substantial protection of the rights of Oregon homeowners.

However, I am concerned that during the period before the bill takes effect lenders might accelerate foreclosure actions in order to get around these new regulations. Only last Friday, the Securities and Exchange Commission was forced to file suit in the Northern California US District Court against Wells Fargo to obtain documentation for its mortgage practices. Currently, there is great uncertainty regarding the legality of foreclosure practices being utilized by the big banks.

The Attorney General of Washington State suggests that Homeowners may possess a cause of action against MERS because MERS is not a lawful beneficiary. Similarly, two Federal Judges in Oregon and our own Attorney General Kroger have recently opined that MERS is in violation of Oregon law. As you know, adding more foreclosures of questionable legality to the existing backlog only compounds the problems SB 1552B is designed to alleviate. More Oregon homeowners will fall victim to illegal foreclosure practices, and foreclosures also result in reduced property tax revenue for our struggling counties.

I appreciate the effective homeowner protection rules Mr. Kroger has put in place, and strongly suggest you add a temporary foreclosure moratorium to them, to protect Oregon homeowners until the safeguards of SB 1552 take effect. We have initiated a petition to this effect, with a target of gathering 50,000 signatures. You may view it here:

Respectfully submitted,

[Your name, address, phone number]

Occupy Your Local Governments

City and County governments rely heavily on local Boards and Commissions for direction and public input. These boards and commissions are comprised of people like us, who volunteer their time. People who serve on them not only get to ask questions that will be answered, they also get to have a voice in policy decisions. It’s very powerful, individual direct action. Please consider getting involved in these advisory functions. Your participation is valuable!

There are currently several openings for both Lane County and the City of Eugene. Positions are filled by appointment; they do require ongoing commitment and participation. The application process is simple and easy. Go the the websites noted.

Lane County:

There is a current opening on the County Action Advisory Committee, which “Advises the Lane County Human Services Commission on budget planning, allocations and policy issues for state and federal anti-poverty programs, including housing and homeless programs; participates in program activities, project review, selection, and is involved in monitoring the Ten Year Plan to End Chronic Homelessness.”

Check the Lane County website regularly for more openings as they become available.

City of Eugene:

There are several current openings on Eugene’s Boards and Commissions. Any resident of Eugene may apply. The application process is open until March 30.

There are openings for the following positions:

• Budget Committee 3 vacancies
• Civilian Review Board 3 vacancies
• Human Rights Commission 3 vacancies
• Planning Commission 1 vacancy
• Police Commission 4 vacancies
• Sustainability Commission 5 vacancies
• Toxics Board 2 vacancies 1 advocacy, 1 industry
• Lane Regional Air Protection Agency 1 vacancy
• Library Board 2 vacancies 1 at-large, 1 youth
• Neighborhood Matching Grant Dept. Advisory Committee 1 vacancy
• Whilamut Citizen Planning Committee 6 vacancies

For more information, or to apply, go to:

The City of Springfield also has volunteer positions for residents of Springfield on boards and commissions. Their website does not note whether there are current openings. Contact the City Manager’s Office to inquire. 541-726-3700, or e-mail


Please call and write your state congressperson Monday!

We need Senate Bills 1552 and 1564 passed without Rep. Whisnant’s amendments that help the banks more than homeowners.

Perfidy is a word reserved for heartless and treacherous betrayal. This is the word to describe the cynical abuse being visited on the voters who elected Oregon Representatives Whisnant and Hanna.

Whisnant requested and Hanna assigned foreclosure reform Senate bills 1552 and 1564 to Whisnant’s House committee. Whisnant re-wrote these bipartisan bills to not only protect banks from prosecution for the fraudulent foreclosure practices which are increasingly coming to light, but to prevent the Attorney General’s involvement. A more cynical betrayal of the public trust is difficult to imagine.

Whisnant and Hanna support current bank practices of foreclosing on properties while pretending to be renegotiating problem mortgages; and for refusing to meet face-to-face with homeowners facing foreclosure.

The Senate agreed that these practices are wrong and passed SB 1552 and SB 1564 to correct them, but not only is Whisnant satisfied to keep these measures buried in committee, he’s substituted language which would worsen the situation for struggling Oregon homeowners, while giving banks license to commit even worse abuses, and a get-out-of-jail card.

If there were ever an example of a lawmaker working against the interests of the people, and using the powers of government to benefit corporations, it’s playing out right now in the Oregon House of Representatives. Perfidy is “the deliberate act of violating faith, a vow, or allegiance; treachery; the violation of a trust reposed.” Is there not honor in the Oregon House of Representatives sufficient to pass SB 1552 and SB 1564?

Don’t let banks write our laws, run, and ruin our country! Make them accountable for their crimes.


– Your Name

You Call to Action!

1) Send the above email to your State Rep. Cut and paste the message above the dashed line, above. Call them too and ask they support Senate Bills 1552 and 1564 without Rep. Whisnant’s amendments.

2) Forward this email in its entirety to your friends, colleagues, teachers, fire departments, police chiefs, mayors, other government officials – anyone and everyone who is concerned about the quality of our schools and other services.


Playing Politics with the Lives of Struggling Homeowners

The dastardly ALEC – corporations writing laws for legislators

This Email Action Campaign is from the Occupy Eugene Neighborhood Action Committee.

March in Solidarity with Political Prisoners Everywhere!

This is the anniversary of the conviction of five of the Chicago Seven for intent to incite a riot while crossing state lines, they were sentenced to $5,000 fines and five years in prison each…and this was AFTER the conspiracy charges were dropped. The case was appealed to the Seventh Circuit Court on the grounds of unfair proceedings but that court decided not to retry the case. It is widely believed that the social pressure of the times and the activists that took a stand in those times are the reason why the Chicago Seven’s charges were eventually overturned. Take a stand with us to help those whose voices have been unfairly silenced while we celebrate what unity and solidarity can do when, together, we put the Justice System’s feet to the fire!

Many activist are sitting in jail on unjust charges just so they will be silenced! THEY CAN’T SILENCE ALL OF US! Please join us as we march in solidarity with all political prisoners across the world who have faced imprisonment and worse because they fight for what they believe in.

We will be marching to the jail and courthouse calling for the release of everyone tried unfairly and imprisoned because of their political beliefs and actions. We will take the streets to show our comrades we will always support their freedom from this injustice that put them behind bars &/or  continue to illegally keep them behind bars. Here’s the idea…’s a march, be responsible and respectful.

We are working on Speakers…….

When: Saturday, February 18, 12 -3pm

Where: Wayne Morse Free Speech Plaza, 8th & Oak, Eugene

flyer image

Today! Gather at Old Federal Building 4-6 pm for Trayvon Martin

Trayvon Martin Action TODAY, March 26, 4-6 p.m.

Gather at the old Federal Building in memory of the 17-year-old high school student who was shot and killed last month by George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch captain in Sanford, Florida. Zimmerman has not been charged with any crime at this time.

Wear your hoody, bring a sign, come stand together in solidarity for true justice.

Derail ALEC!

Cascadia Action Lab Presents – Derail ALEC!When: Wednesday, February 29, 9 am – 5:30 pm.We will be meeting at the Growers Market (454 Willamette St.). From there we will carpool to the target!We will be participating in Occupy Portland’s call for a national day of action against the Corporations who are members of the ( American Legislative Exchange Council ) or ALEC for short. This will be a day of Direct Action and Civil Disobedience! For the latest information Check out and details.

We will release the time and location of the rally closer to the event date!

In order to be effective you need to be informed so here are some helpful links and PDF’s you should probably check out!

Civilian’s Guide to Direct Action

Affinity Groups

Know Your Rights Materials

Blockading For Beginners

Creative Direct Action Visuals Manual

Ruckus Scouting Manual

Security Culture for Activists

Ruckus Media Manual

Balloon Banner Manual

Occupy Portland calls for a national day of non-violent civil disobedience targeting corporations who are members of ALEC, one of the most successful mechanisms that the 1% uses to control legislation. We are asking people around the country to choose members of ALEC in their home towns and SHUT DOWN BUSINESS AS USUAL.

Occupy Portland calls for a day of non-violent direct action to reclaim our voices and challenge our society’s obsession with profit and greed by shutting down the corporations. We are rejecting a society that does not allow us control of our future. We will reclaim our ability to shape our world in a democratic, cooperative, just and sustainable direction.

We call on the Occupy Movement and everyone seeking freedom and justice to join us in this day of action.

There has been a theft by the 1% of our democratic ability to shape and form the society in which we live and our society is steered toward the destructive pursuit of consumption, profit and greed at the expense of all else.

We call on people to target corporations that are part of the American Legislative Exchange Council which is a prime example of the way corporations buy off legislators and craft legislation that serves the interests of corporations and not people. They used it to create the anti-labor legislation in Wisconsin and the racist bill SB 1070 in Arizona among so many others. They use ALEC to spread these corporate laws around the country.

In doing this we begin to recreate our democracy. In doing this we begin to create a society that is organized to meet human needs and sustain life.

On February 29th, we will reclaim our future from the 1%. We will shut down the corporations and recreate our democracy.

Join Us! Leap into action! Reclaim our future! Shut down the corporations!

Occupy Portland calls for a day of non-violent direct action to reclaim our voices and challenge our society’s obsession with profit and greed by shutting down the corporations. We are rejecting a society that does not allow us control of our future. We will reclaim our ability to shape our world in a democratic, cooperative, just and sustainable direction.

We call on the Occupy Movement and everyone seeking freedom and justice to join us in this day of action.

There has been a theft by the 1% of our democratic ability to shape and form the society in which we live and our society is steered toward the destructive pursuit of consumption, profit and greed at the expense of all else.

We call on people to target corporations that are part of the American Legislative Exchange Council which is a prime example of the way corporations buy off legislators and craft legislation that serves the interests of corporations and not people. They used it to create the anti-labor legislation in Wisconsin and the racist bill SB 1070 in Arizona among so many others. They use ALEC to spread these corporate laws around the country.

In doing this we begin to recreate our democracy. In doing this we begin to create a society that is organized to meet human needs and sustain life.

On February 29th, we will reclaim our future from the 1%. We will shut down the corporations and recreate our democracy.

Join Us! Leap into action! Reclaim our future! Shut down the corporations!

12. 23 Vigil and GA at ParkBlocks

Occupy Eugene is holding a candle light vigil in memory of Rick Youngblood and other victims of street violence at 6:30p today at Free Speech Plaza.

There will be a general assembly to follow at 7:00pm.

Police Say They Will Make No Arrests Tonight, Come Celebrate the Solstice With Us!

Lieutenant Kamkar has promised that he and his team will make no arrests tonight. So everyone come celebrate the solstice and farewell to camp party.

Earlier in the day Occupy Eugene did their first protest against the foreclosure crisis with their new BankBusters committee. The protest ended at the occupation site with a candle light vigil. For the past couple of days Occupy Eugene has been slowly dismantling structures while Eugene police posted notices to leave.

We have several livestream feeds covering tonight’s actions.



Twitter: #OccupyEugene

Camp Update/Adopt an Occupier!

The city government and police department has closed down Washington-Jefferson park  and our camping Occupy community is asked to vacate today . We are continuing to work cooperatively with the police to functionally remove tents, break down structures, and foremost, keep our park clean during this displacement. Our goal is to continue to keep this a peaceful action, working with the police to deconstruct on our terms, and in turn making sure that personal belongings remain intact and in our possession, unlike many of the evicted Occupiers across the country.

Unfortunately, the social services that were promised to be on site to help with the transition as homeless folks left the park did not arrive until 3:30pm, and many people who needed these services had already left.

This is a great opportunity to show Eugene and the world how resilient and passionate our community is—because it is built on love. To demonstrate this love, we want to initiate the ‘Adopt an Occupier’ campaign. This call goes out to members and supporters of the movement with houses or spare living situations. Please, open up your spare rooms, extra sofas, driveways, backyards or even a corner of a room. Please take the time to come down to the site and get in contact with a houseless Occupier to take home for the holiday season. Or call the Occupy Eugene hotline at 541-525-0130.

Solidarity starts at home. Adopt an Occupier.