Media Group

This is a working meeting where we divide up tasks and get busy. We will also shoot several Occupy TV shows before and/or after the meeting. See the Media Group crabgrass page for schedule and more info. Want to help but no skills. No worry, we can teach you.


Where: CTV Studio, Sheldon High School

When: Saturday, February 4, noon

Contact: Joe Tyndall, 541-359-2593,


Who owns Lane County’s Forests?

Conversations on the Forest

Who owns Lane County’s forests, and how have they changed over time? How does forest management, on both public and private land, benefit and impact Lane County residents? Can we sustain the forest, and all its many benefits?

The forest is central to our regional identity, ecology, and economy. Competing public and private interests have driven growth, decline, and political division for decades. In a series of five discussions, join public interest forester Roy Keene, and ArchitectureWeek editor-in-chief Kevin Matthews as they explore the past, present, and future of our forests with a depth and openness rarely seen.

When: First MondaysFebruary 6, March 5, April 2, May 7, June 4


Where: Cozmic Pizza, 199 W. 8th Ave. in Eugene

Free Class: Understanding the Constitution

Professor John Davidson from the UO will be leading, however it is less of a lecture and more of an interactive discussion.

This weekly class will be held with John Davidson from the UO. The intention is to break the Constitution down so that average citizen can understand what it means and what it means in their lives. Thinking about how a governing document might serve the People better, what mistakes and victories throughout history got us to where we are now, what our rights are to change laws and legislation, and how we might go about making our ideas for change a reality? Any and all ideas for discussion around this topic are welcome. We expect a variety of teachers and community members to be leading these weekly classes as they continue. Open to the public. If you would like to submit ideas for future classes, please post to the forum at:

Where: Growers Market Eugene, 454 Willamette St.

When: Sundays, 12pm-3pm

Housing is a Human Right; Stop the Foreclosures!



Where: Reality Kitchen, 245 Van Buren, Eugene.

When: Sunday, January 15, 1 – 3 pm.

In collaboration with Good Grief America and Reality Kitchen, Occupy Eugene Neighborhood Actions will be having a teach-in and discussion on the foreclosure crisis and what it means for residents of Eugene, OR.

The presentation will be provided by Nancie Koerber of Good Grief America, who has been helping families in Oregon for several years.

Eugene residents will learn how the banks make more money foreclosing rather than working with people and how they can keep their homes.

The event includes 80 minutes of interactive teach-in on the foreclosure crisis and how it is siphoning our economy and the strategic actions to stop and hold Wall Street accountable.

The next 20 minutes will be in breakout sessions on issues participants want to work on in their community, and the last 20 minutes will be reports from the groups and calls to action.

map link

Occupy V Cleaning Party!

Clean up! Clean up! Everybody everywhere……clean up clean up….everybody do your share!


12.31 OE News Years Eve Extravaganza!

Saturday night at 8:30 New Year’s Eve come one come all and meet up in Free Speech Plaza for an “opposites” march. 
  Get dressed up as 1%ers out for a night on the town!

They will be carrying silly signs saying, “Greed is good” or “Save the Economy; Shop til you Drop” or “the Family that Shops Together Stays Together” or whatever.

Periodically, these 1%ers will shout out their Resolutions for the New Year “As CEO I promise to double my salary this year and increase stock earnings by 50%. In order to do this, I promise to cut all employee salaries by 30% and stop carrying emmployee health care”. The march will hit the downtown hot spots before marchers go off to revel with the 99%ers.

Occupy Eugene members will meet at Occupy V (1274 7th ave) at 10:00 to help bring in the New Year

Entertainment will be provided

Bring snacks and drinks to share

12.29 Foreclosure Crisis Movie Event

OE BankBusters

This Thursday, Dec. 29th at 7pm, Occupy Eugene BankBusters is having a movie and discussion night on the issue of the foreclosure crisis and that housing is a human right.

It will be held at Reality Kitchen located on 245 Van Buren.
This event is sponsored by Occupy Eugene BankBusters and is free for all attendees.

12. 25 Christmas Potluck Sunday!

Occupy Eugene will be having a holiday potluck Sunday, December 25th at 2pm in the new Occupy 5 building (7th and Polk).

Bring a dish if you can and a space heater if you have one!

There will be a projector and we will be showing holiday movies (bring some of those too :)

And remember to shop local this Christmas and avoid big box stores and corporate chains, Occupy Christmas!

12.24 Open Assembly

  Occupy Eugene Open Assembly

When: 4:00pm

Where: 1274 W. 7th Ave. (7th & Polk, Occupy 5 building )

All are welcome! Come help us plan the next steps of Occupy Eugene.

12. 23 Vigil and GA at ParkBlocks

Occupy Eugene is holding a candle light vigil in memory of Rick Youngblood and other victims of street violence at 6:30p today at Free Speech Plaza.

There will be a general assembly to follow at 7:00pm.