12.3 – 12.4 Occupy Eugene Booth at the Holiday Market

Occupy Eugene will be holding a booth at the Holiday market this weekend!

When: 10am-6pm Friday Nov. 25, Saturday Nov. 26, Sunday Nov. 27

Where: Lane County Fairgrounds, 13th & Jefferson Eugene, Oregon

Occupy Eugene will have a table in the Non Profit area of the market and focus on community outreach. We will be accepting donations of money or items and selling Occupy Eugene patches, posters and t-shirts.  All the money raised will go to Occupy Eugene.

There will be a list of City Counselors available to encourage people to call and write to their councilors encouraging them to let Occupy Eugene stay in Washington Jefferson park and renew our camping permit past December 15th. There will also be a petition for OE to stay in Washington Jefferson park for community members to sign.

Occupy Eugene will have the same space available the following week, Saturday and Sunday December 3-4

If you would like to help man the booth please email: alleyrabbit [at] riseup.net

Occupy the Mall on Buy Nothing Day

Occupy the Mall FlyerFor every dollar or credit spent on gifts, we sacrifice time, giving something material in exchange for providing our friends and family with the gift of ourselves.

We remain deprived of connection with those around us, and struggle to fill this emptiness with commodities that we do not need. In reality, all we need is one another. BUY NOTHING.

On Buy Nothing Day, “the goal is to give presence, not presents,” says Kristen Carpenter, a member of the Occupy Eugene Actions committee. “The only gifts to give are those that can be measured in heart. Break the chains of consumerism, give your family the gift of time.”

In celebration of Buy Nothing Day, this Nov. 24th (Thanksgiving) at 11:45pm until 9:00 pm, Nov. 25th (Black Friday) there will be a midnight madness flash mob, “Occupy the Mall” at the Valley River Center in Eugene, OR.

You’ve probably seen other flash mobs, where unsuspecting strangers in a public space were suddenly treated a visual and audio feast of music, signing and dancing. Word is that this event will be “EPIC”!

For More Info: Text @oe_actions to 23559 to sign up for flashmob text alert system/instructions and actions alerts.

Form an affinity group and make it a party! Contact Kristen at delta32 [at] mac.com for affinity group instructions.

Download the flyer and pass it around.


Alternate flyer for this event http://i40.tinypic.com/35lc01u.jpg

“You have succeeded in life when all you really want is only what you really need.” ~Vernon Howard

“Business is the art of extracting money from another man’s pocket without resorting to violence.” ~Max Amsterdam

The Plunder of Our Time

Please join Occupy Eugene, the Eugene-IWW, AFSME Local 3214 and ESSN for a screening of “The plunder of our time: Why Wall Street is not too big to jail.”

When: Mon. Nov. 21st @ 7pm

Where: Cozmic Pizza (8th Ave. and Charnelton)

Download Flier

Also available in : Spanish

Thursday, Nov 17th is International Day of Action

This Thursday, November 17th, Occupy Wall Street (OWS) has called for an International Day of Action. In solidarity with OWS, Occupy Eugene is encouraging everyone to participate in this day of non-violent and direct action.

March With Us from Wake the Beast on Vimeo.

There will be a march on the banks starting at the Wayne Morse Free Speech Plaza – 8th & Oak at 12:00pm.  We will march against the banks along with the Eugene Springfield Solidarity Network and the Industrial Workers of the World.

The  march will be focusing on direct action and civil disobedience against big banks and corporate influence in the U.S. government. The march will convene at noon in the Wayne Morse Free Speech Plaza and march to several national bank branches downtown. A stop will be made at the U.S. Bank branch to protest the State of Oregon’s contract with them for the “ReliaCard,” which is used to issue unemployment benefits.

The National Consumer Law Center recently released a report on unemployment benefit cards, in which Oregon received a “thumbs down” ranking for the overdraft fees associated with the U.S. Bank-issued ReliaCard.

According to FairEconomyOregon.org, Richard Davis, head of U.S. Bank, says the company expects to recoup about half of potential lost profits from swipe fee reform by nickel and diming the unemployed through prepaid cards and related products.

Nov. 17th marks the two month anniversary of several hundred courageous individuals who began occupying Liberty Square (Zuccotti Park). Since then their actions have given birth to the 99% movement that has spread across the country and around the world.

Last night OWS was evicted by New York Police. As of this writing OWS is still fighting for a place to occupy so that their voices can continue to be heard.

Let’s come together this Thursday to celebrate the accomplishments of OWS and tell the world that we will not give up easily.

Participate in a national day of direct non-violent action and celebration!

National Day of Action Against Banks Flyer | Umpqua Bank Flyer Quarter Sheets | National Day of Action Against Banks Quarter Sheets

International Day of Action poster

High-quality, print-ready versions (11×17, 15×24, 23×36) are available as a freely downloadable .zip file.

Let’s get these posters everywhere! The artist’s only stipulation is that they cannot be sold, only given away.

Props to r.black for his amazing work!

*** Please support our 17 comrades who were arrested on this day.

*Fifteen of the Eugene 17 (arrested outside Bank of America and Chase on 11/17) have their court date Dec. 8 at 1 p.m. at 777 Pearl St. Rm. 104. Show up to support them!

*Dusk Winston’s court date is 12/7 at 9 a.m. MUNICIPAL COURT 777 PEARL ST. RM. 104

*Jacob Keeton’s court date is 12/9 at 9 a.m. MUNICIPAL COURT 777 PEARL RM 104

Egan Warming Center Training Saturday


In an effort to support the Occupy Eugene camp and its occupiers, the Egan Warming Center is inviting all those interested to attend a training on professional homeless assistance.

The training aims to better work with and care for the homeless community on site and make a positive impact within camp.

Who: Egan Warming Center

What: Training on professional homeless assistance

When: Saturday November 12, 2011 9:00-12:00pm

Where: Rear of the 1st Christian Church, 1166 Oak Street

Why Occupy? Two Upcoming Events

Why Occupy? Teach-in ForumOn Wednesday We the People of Eugene is sponsoring a public teach-in forum on Occupy Eugene. The discussion will include several Occupy Eugene organizers, University of Oregon (UO) professors and local community organizers. If you are interested in sharing your feedback or concerns about Occupy Eugene with organizers and other community members, this would be a great event to attend.

The following day (Thursday) two UO sociology professors, Michael Dreiling and Val Burris, will facilitate a discussion about the broader social and historical context of the occupation movement. With events moving so quickly—both here and around the world—this discussion will give people a chance to step back and take a moment to digest this explosion of movement activity. Though unprecedented in scale, there are significant connections between the occupy movement to earlier social uprisings. To the extent that we begin to appreciate these connections, we may learn some valuable lessons that can help inform the current struggle.

Both events offer a unique opportunity for those interested to engage further in the Eugene Occupation: so please spread the word!

What: Public Teach-in Forum, “Occupy Eugene in Context”
When: Wednesday, November 9th at 7pm
Where: Harris Hall inside the Lane County Public Service Building/Courthouse (8th & Oak).

What: “The Movement in Perspective,” with Michael Dreiling and Val Burris
When: Thursday, November 10th at 6pm
Where: Willamette Hall, rm. 100, 1371 E. 13th Ave., University of Oregon Campus.


Student Solidarity Rally

The people of Montreal, Quebec, have joined students on strike in daily demonstrations numbering in the hundreds of thousands. The strikes have been underway for more than 100 days, and seem to be expanding to other parts of Canada, along with showings of student power in Chicago, Chile, and elsewhere.

On June 11, we will take to the streets of Eugene, from 7 to 11 p.m. banging pots and pans to show our support for students in Montreal, Eugene, and around the world.

Please bring: pots or pans and safety pins – red squares will be provided and wear black on your top half and jeans or your school’s branded attire on the bottom.

Cut a square out of a piece of red fabric and wear it on your clothing or bag every day. The red square is a symbol of support for the Montreal student strikes and is quickly becoming a symbol of support for resistance movements everywhere.

Add the red square to your profile picture on Facebook or your avatar on Twitter: http://twibbon.com/join/Red-Square-2

The current model of higher education require students to go into debt that will take far longer to pay off and cost far more than they ever spend at the university. This model is destructive to society because it builds a large underclass of debtors and moves wealth away from the general population, into the hands of the few. To quote Occupy Portland, “With increases in tuition showing no signs of stopping, and the student debt bubble recently breaching the trillion dollar mark, it is high time the people rise up to condemn the profiteering of the civil right of education.”

Free Medical Clinic

Tuesdays, 5pm – 6pm:  Occupy V, 1274 W. 7th, Eugene.  Dr. Knowlton.

Sundays, 12 -5 pm:  Downtown, corner of 7th & Pearl.  Dr. Knowlton, 1 – 3pm; Dr. Howison, Spanish interpreter available, 2 -4pm.

Dr. Howison is a family physician with special interests in developing preventive health strategies for patients, holistic remedies, nutrition, obstetrics and pediatrics.

Dr. Knowlton is a family physician who has been practicing medicine in the Eugene area since 1997. He was the medical director of the clinic providing health care for the Makah Nation in Neah Bay, Washington from 1993 – 1997.

All are welcome, no charge. No appointments; first come, first served. If you have any medical conditions, concerns or questions, please come by. Let’s all do what we can to make our Occupy Eugene environment as healthy and safe as possible.

Please check the OE calendar to make sure the event is still valid.


¿Habla Espanol?

los Martes: de las 5 a las 6 de la tarde; El doctor Knowlton dará consulta en Eugene Toma las Calles V (1247 W. 7th Eugene).

los Domingos: de las 12:00 a las 5:00 de la tarde, en la esquina de 7 y Pearl, Eugene. Habrá un intérprete disponible durante el turno del doctor Howison, de las 2 a las 4 de la tarde.

El doctor Howison es un médico familiar certificado, cuyo enfoque particular es el desarrollo de estrategias de salud preventiva para los pacientes, los medicamentos holísticos, la nutrición, la obstetricia y la pediatría

El doctor Knowlton es médico familiar con certificación profesional, que ha estado practicando medicina en Eugene desde 1997.  Fue director médico de la clínica que brindaba atención en salud para la Nación Makah, en Neah Bay, Washington, desde 1993 hasta 1997.

Atención gratuita al público en general.  No es necesario hacer cita; se atiende en orden de llegada.  Si usted tiene alguna enfermedad, o si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor, venga a vernos.  Hagamos todo lo posible para que las condiciones en Eugene Toma las Calles sean lo más sanas y seguras que se puedan.

Por favor, vea el calendario de Eugene Toma las Calles, OE calendar, para asegurarse de que estas condiciones sigan vigentes.

Memorial Day Potluck and Rally at Old Federal Building

The Fed Up Committee invites  you to Occupy Memorial Day at the Fed:

Potluck and Rally

Noon to 4 p.m.

Monday, May 28

Come to the old Federal Building Memorial Day for a potluck and rally. Bring food, plates, utensils, signs, and umbrella (in case of rain). It may not be a heavy traffic day or many of us in attendance, but it’s a holiday so we’ll be celebrating together Occupy-style!


Occupy Inter-Faith Eugene

Strategy meeting and Health Care for All HOUSEPARTY training. All are welcome. Please join us.

May 20th, 1:30-4:00pm

Church of the Resurrection 3925 Hilyard

People of faith responding to Occupy Wall Street in three strategic campaigns: Health Care for All Oregon, MoveToAmend and Homeless Solutions.

People of faith working for justice and equity! Occupy Inter-Faith Eugene! Grassroots training for organizing and educating about Health Care for All Oregon.