Occupy the Heart & Mind

Silent meditation/prayer circle open to everyone to bring their practice to share. We will gather and set-up 15 minutes before the start time. A bell will be rung at 15 minute intervals to signify an opportunity to enter or exit the space without disturbing others. Please bring your chair/cushion/floor mat and warm clothing and join us as we cultivate the loving kindness we all so desperately need. Please invite all whom you feel would both benefit and contribute to this event.

Join Occupying the Heart and Mind Facebook groupFacebook event page.

When: Sundays, 2:25 – 3:35  Where: Occupy Outpost, 7th & Pearl Eugene

Free Medical Clinic

Tuesdays, 5pm – 6pm:  Occupy V, 1274 W. 7th, Eugene.  Dr. Knowlton.

Sundays, 12 -5 pm:  Downtown, corner of 7th & Pearl.  Dr. Knowlton, 1 – 3pm; Dr. Howison, Spanish interpreter available, 2 -4pm.

Dr. Howison is a family physician with special interests in developing preventive health strategies for patients, holistic remedies, nutrition, obstetrics and pediatrics.

Dr. Knowlton is a family physician who has been practicing medicine in the Eugene area since 1997. He was the medical director of the clinic providing health care for the Makah Nation in Neah Bay, Washington from 1993 – 1997.

All are welcome, no charge. No appointments; first come, first served. If you have any medical conditions, concerns or questions, please come by. Let’s all do what we can to make our Occupy Eugene environment as healthy and safe as possible.

Please check the OE calendar to make sure the event is still valid.


¿Habla Espanol?

los Martes: de las 5 a las 6 de la tarde; El doctor Knowlton dará consulta en Eugene Toma las Calles V (1247 W. 7th Eugene).

los Domingos: de las 12:00 a las 5:00 de la tarde, en la esquina de 7 y Pearl, Eugene. Habrá un intérprete disponible durante el turno del doctor Howison, de las 2 a las 4 de la tarde.

El doctor Howison es un médico familiar certificado, cuyo enfoque particular es el desarrollo de estrategias de salud preventiva para los pacientes, los medicamentos holísticos, la nutrición, la obstetricia y la pediatría

El doctor Knowlton es médico familiar con certificación profesional, que ha estado practicando medicina en Eugene desde 1997.  Fue director médico de la clínica que brindaba atención en salud para la Nación Makah, en Neah Bay, Washington, desde 1993 hasta 1997.

Atención gratuita al público en general.  No es necesario hacer cita; se atiende en orden de llegada.  Si usted tiene alguna enfermedad, o si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor, venga a vernos.  Hagamos todo lo posible para que las condiciones en Eugene Toma las Calles sean lo más sanas y seguras que se puedan.

Por favor, vea el calendario de Eugene Toma las Calles, OE calendar, para asegurarse de que estas condiciones sigan vigentes.

Thursday Night Documentaries at the Fed

Come join your fellow OE activists Thursday nights as we watch documentaries on the steps of the old Federal Building, 7th and Pearl at 8 p.m.
Among the films we’ll be watching are documentaries about Warner Creek, the WTO riots in Seattle, and a method of movement/protest suppression called the Miami Model currently employed by a police station near you.
Documentaries are free.  Some snacks will be provided. Bring more to share. Discussions will follow the films.

IWW April Movie and Discussion: “Taken For A Ride How a corporate conspiracy destroyed the U.S. trolley system.”

Tuesday April 24th 8:00 pm Cozmic Pizza

Come Learn how a corporate conspiracy destroyed the U.S. trolley system
With short “The True Cost of Oil”-Alberta Tar Sands Mining
Discussion to follow

The film reveals a story of an auto & oil industry campaign to buy & dismantle streetcar lines. The highway lobby then pushed through Congress a network of urban freeways that fueled suburbia, increased auto dependence & elicited passionate opposition.

Sponsored by Lane branch-Industrial Workers of the World, Occupy Eugene, We The People-Eugene, ESSN & AFSME 3214


Max Rameau Visits Occupy Eugene!

Housing is a Human Right

Author and Noted Housing Rights Activist, Max Rameau will be in Eugene for several events starting Wednesday, April 18. Rameau is the author of “Take Back the Land” and director of the national movement of the same name, which specializes in “liberating” vacant government land and foreclosed homes by moving homeless families into them.

Schedule of Events

April 18thActivist training session 6:30p – 8:30p at Occupy V (1274 W. 7th Ave.)
Learn to utilize Positive Action (a form of Direct Action) campaigns to advance organizational objectives and build a movement for social justice. The training will focus on land, housing rights, and the fight against foreclosures. Desert and drinks afterwards.

April 19th – Benefit for “Take Back the Land” and Max Rameau 6p – 9p at Reality Kitchen (245 Van Buren)
Hour presentation, preceded by a social with food and music by David Rogers, tickets are $10/$12 day-of, but no one will be turned away for inability to pay. Get info at realitykitchen.org.

April 20th – Kesey Square Revival ~2 – 2:30p (Willamette St. & Broadway)
Brief speech and comments to media.

April 20th – Bank of America Protest ~4:45p – 5:15p (11th Ave. & Pearl St.)
Brief speech and comments to media.

April 20th – Lane Peace Symposium 6p – 8:30p (Lane Community College, 4000 East 30th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97405)
Plenary Panel: “The State of the Global and U.S. Democracy Movement.

April 21st – Lane Peace Symposium 3:30 – 5 p (Lane Community College, 4000 East 30th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97405)
Keynote address

Facebook Event Invite Page

Rameau’s Eugene visit is co-sponsored by Reality Kitchen, Occupy Eugene, Civil Liberties Defense Center, Lane Peace Symposium, and A Community Together – Lane County (ACT). Visit co-coordinated by Majeska Seese-Green (ACT) and Jim Evangelista (Reality Kitchen).

Occupy The Trees (The Mother Earth Tree Convention)

EARTH DEFENSE WEEK: Occupy the Trees

Occupy Eugene and Cascadia Forest Defenders, in Solidarity with Occupy Wall Street, have put an “Occupy the Trees” call-out to activists around the world to protest the destruction of our Earth for the week of April 22-27.

Here in Eugene on Sunday the 22nd (formerly known as Earth Day), there will be an Earth Defense Day celebration at the park blocks in downtown Eugene, with speakers, music, teach-ins, and food.

Activities are planned in Eugene throughout the week: Monday is Public Lands Day, Tuesday is World Day for Animals, Wednesday is Kids Need Forests Day, Thursday is Eco-feminism Day, Friday is Global Climate Change Awareness Day. There will be speakers, musical performances, marches and rallies throughout the week. Tree occupations are planned as well.

See a full schedule here:



Our Call to Action includes 3 main points:

1. Immediate attention and reversal to Global Climate Change which threatens all llife on Earth.

2. Disruption of the Earth-destroying profit machines led by the richest 1% of the world and their government lackies.

3. Ending all Commercial Extraction from Public Lands in all nations of the Earth.


Moon, Occupy Eugene
Jim Flynn, Cascadia Forest Defenders

Sacred Economics and the Divine Commons

Collective Visioning welcomes Benjamin Crandall talking about Kindista, the online giving network which his group is about to launch. We’ll be discussing the work of Charles Eisenstein, author of Sacred Economics with others working to bring the vision of sacred economics and the gift economy home to Eugene.

When: Saturday, April 28th, 2-4pm

Where: OE V, 1274 W. 7th

Occupy The Trees Reggae Night at OEV

Occupy The Trees will go inside to celebrate Eco-Feminism with FREE Live Music! We will have Medium Troy, Swag Sensi & The Tip! Join us!

When: Thursday, April 26,  7pm to 10pm.

Where:  Occupy Eugene V, 1274 W. 7th Ave. (7th & Polk)

Annual LCC Peace Symposium featuring Occupy Movement! and Occupy Chautauqua OE Film Festival

This annual community event will feature keynote speakers and workshops on various topics including a workshop/speaker track about the Occupy Movement. National author and activist David Barsamiam will present on the economic issues that the Occupy Movement has spotlighted. Symposium details…

Following the Friday/Saturday conference at LCC, there will be a sister event on Sunday, April 22. Occupy Eugene’s Zinn Chomsky Library will host a day long film festival at Occupy V featuring everything from OE member-created videos to full length films. The film festival will end with a potluck dinner and discussion hour.

When: April 20-21 (conference) & the 22nd (film fest)

Where: LCC & OE V

Contact person: Jennifer Frenzer-Knowlton,  kokomojo0664@msn.com