Help Cascadia Forest Defenders Stop Logging in the Goose Timber Sale

Forest Defenders have taken direct action blocking logging of Old Growth in the Willamette National Forest north of McKenzie Bridge, Oregon.
They have made a “a general call to action to all activists and organizers in the Pacific Northwest to help stop the Goose Timber Sale.” “CFD will maintain a presence inside the Goose Timber Sale that will force Seneca Jones Timber Company and the U.S. Forest Service to abandon logging of public lands.”
Below is CFD’s most recent communication and yesterday’s press release

10/24/2017, 10:00 am GET TO GOOSE BLOCKADE NOW, directions map
Cascadia Forest Defenders are asking “All press, media, activists, and organizers need to get down to Goose to check out or help out at the blockade.” “The Forest Defenders have blocked Seneca Company Loggers today but they expect a heavy police presence throughout the day. PLEASE COME READY TO RECORD OR READY TO SUPPORT.”
Map and directions to blockade, click here.

10/23/2017 1:54 pm BLOCKADE @ Goose Timber Sale. Press Release. Call to Action
Back to the forest… where we are going, we don’t need roads…
On October 23, Cascadia Forest Defenders erected a road blockade at the entrance to the W Timber Sale. Taking direct action against Seneca Sawmill’s plan to destroy thousands of acres in the McKenzie River watershed, the blockade consists of large slash piles, multiple cars, and a refrigerator – all serving as an anchor for an occupied platform suspended 80 ft up a Douglas fir tree.
“We’re protecting drinking water, biodiversity, a stable climate, and – ultimately – our own survival,” said Scrimshaw Forest, of Cascadia Forest Defenders,“We oppose resource extraction and deforestation.”
Today Forest Defenders effectively halted logging and will continue to save an estimated 50-100 old growth trees each day the blockade remains. Forest Service rangers visited the blockade this morning but no arrests have been made.
The sale is part of the 2000+ acre Goose Project in the Willamette National Forest. Logging began on October 16.​

Contact Cascadia Forest Defenders
phone: 541-554-2519
website: Cascadia Forest Defenders | Direct Action for The Forests of Cascadia

Care Packages for Vets & Houseless Survivors

From Dandy of Occupy Medical: As the nights get cooler and the ground gets soggier, some of the treatment team at Occupy Medical are assembling care packages for veterans and houseless survivors flying cardboard signs welcoming the kindness of fellow Eugeneians passing through streetlights as we go to work and run our errands. Our goal is to assemble 25 care packages this week. If you’d like to contribute financially, you can sponsor one of these holiday care packages for $20 and put a smile on someone’s weathered face. To make a donation, go to Donate at Occupy Medical and put “Sponsor A Survivor” in the purpose line.

This project is assembled in memory and honor of my friend Jacob David George, a peace warrior and survivor of war trauma who spent many years of his life on the streets. Jacob David George in the Huffington Post

Global Fast Food Strike – Rally and March

The fast-food worker movement for higher pay is about to go global.

At a press conference outside a Midtown Manhattan McDonald’s on Wednesday, Fast Food Forward, a group representing U.S. fast-food workers, announced that workers from dozens of countries on six continents are joining the push for higher pay and workers’ rights.

The group announced nationwide strike plans for May 15 — a date which mirrors the $15 per hour pay they are demanding. On that same date, workers from dozens of countries on six continents will hold protests at McDonald’s, Burger King and KFC outlets. It is not known how many workers will strike, but thousands of the nation’s estimated 4 million fast-food workers are expected to take part in the one-day strike.

March Above And Beyond Monsanto, for Food Freedom!

On Saturday, October 12, Lane County residents will participate in the worldwide “March Against Monsanto” for World Food Day. Over 275 cities around the world are scheduled for events on the same day. In Eugene, we will hold a joyful celebration of sustainable agriculture dressed in Franken, mad scientist and veggie themes. This time we march toward solutions! We will march a short route downtown Eugene starting at the Wayne Morse Free Speech plaza (8th and Oak St.) at 11am, where Samba Ja and Jasun Plaedo Wellman will lead us off in great spirit, marching toward the event “Tools and Tactics for Sustainable Food Systems,” an informational panel moderated by Camilla Mortensen, investigative reporter at Eugene Weekly, followed by a short work party/informational meeting with leaders in area of your choice at The First Christian Church, 1166 Oak Street, where speakers from Center for Sustainability Law, Support Local Food Rights, Kid Food Matters, Healthy Bees Healthy Gardens, and GMO Free Oregon will talk about what’s being done locally and in- state toward sustainable food systems. They will address community rights, sustainable farming, and the dangers that GMOs present to our environment, health, and local economy, the laws and current campaigns afoot, as well as what you can do to help directly. Please join us for fun and community education and activation.

This weekend: NIX THE NEONICS

A Rally, Music, and A Fun Singalong Action to Save our Pollinators from Common
Garden Pesticides!

Saturday, July 20th rally at noon in the Free Speech Plaza on 8th & Oak.  March through
downtown to the Eugene Public Library. Carpool to a Garden Store to be
announced at the rally!

KEYNOTES: Lisa Arkin of Beyond Toxics and Philip Smith of Oregon Sustainable
Bees.  Musical Parody by Scotty Perey.  If possible wear Bee costumes and
Beekeeper Suits!  Bring kazoos for the Bee Funeral Dirge March.  So it will be
easy to carpool, park near the library.  The goal of this action is education
and awareness. No civil disobedience is planned.

Please see the link to our facebook event page at  Also, click the youtube
video links so you can learn the two songs we will sing both at the rally and
outside at the garden store we plan to visit for a scavenger hunt.

Lyrics Video One:
Neo Neo Neo Neonicotinoids (to the tune of Lolly, Lolly Get Your Adverbs Here)

Lyrics Video Two:
My Favorite Neonicotinoids (to the tune of “My Favorite Things”)

Neonicotinoids are a class of chemicals used as pesticides and they are
inadvertently destroying our bee populations. The pesticides are increasingly
common in garden products, sold widely by retailer garden stores and were
initially touted as harmless. Yet, the impact has been devastating on bees and
the chemicals impact other pollinators, birds and earthworms living in the
soil where it accumulates and does not biodegrade. Basically, its bad
technology. The EPA is dragging its feet dealing with the problem and
consequently is being sued by a coalition of groups. Also, following the death
of thousands of bees poisoned in Wilsonville, Oregon, legislation to suspend
the use of “neonics” until more investigation into its impact can be completed
was just introduced by an Oregon US Representative to Congress, Earl
Blumenhauer and Michigan US Rep John Conyers. More sponsors for the bill “Save
America’s Pollinators Act” are needed! Please see discussion at our facebook
group page at:

Oregon Sustainable Bees
Healthy Bees=Healthy Gardens
Beyond Toxics
Bee! Here! Now! (Project of Occupy Eugene Library and Education Committee)

TABLING INFO: provided by the groups above and also Northwest Coalition for
Alternatives to Pesticides, OSU Extension, Lane County Bee Association.

CONTACT: Jennifer Frenzer at

Nuclear Awareness Week for Fukushima 2yr. Anniversary

March 11 is the two yr. anniversary of the Fukushima Nuke Plant disaster.  Lets bring attention to our continuing unsafe lust for dirty energy at the cost of our planet and our future.  Occupy Eugene, the Survival Center, and CALC will be helping with a series of events throughout the week.

3/11/13 6pm @ Our Islands Conservation Center, 120 W. Broadway & Olive, Eugene OR
Opening Ceremony with music, potluck, community networking opportunities, nuclear film & discussion.

3/13/13 Noon @ EMU Ampitheater, 1228 University Ave. , UofO, Eugene OR
Nuclear Freedom Now!  Rally featuring speakers, music, spoken word, and theater to encourage nuclear awareness about issues in the Northwest and abroad.  March to share this information with our community at large.

3/14/13 7pm @ Harris Hall, 125 E. 8th Ave., Eugene OR
Post Ignorance Talk with Kevin D. Blanch.  Learn about the ongoing disaster in Fukushima and have discussion about solutions.

3/15/13 1pm to 4pm @ Kesey Square, Willamette & Broadway, Eugene OR
Kesey Square Revival goes Nuclear!  Speakers, theater and letter writing workshop; to address nuclear concerns around Hanford, Fukushima, and our need to Occupy Big Energy everywhere.


5pm Friday, February 22 in the Whiteaker NeighborhoodThe SLEEPS’ Strike Team will offer a view into the darker side of being a human, un-housed, and trying to sleep on the streets of Eugene, Oregon.
Every night the human biological need to sleep demands its time and space.  It has no mercy, nor heed to environment.  And short of death nothing can ever prevent it. The uncontrollable consequences of being human are inescapable for all human beings. However, for those in our community that are un-housed the consequences shift in hue and tone to a sometimes very dark reality. How would you sleep if you knew each night’s effort to sleep was a roll of the dice, with the odds always against you…

Come join our Last Friday Art Walk Street Theater team for a night of light vs dark and life vs death.

And as always SLEEPS asks you to consider what role you fill in the urban theater we call life?

For more information contact Hedin at

SLEEPS Action Alert!

Friday January 4, 3pm to 7pm in Downtown Eugene
Meeting 2:30pm at the Atrium, 99 W. 10th Ave.

SLEEPS is calling for a Flash Mob Die Off action & Guerrilla Street Theater. This action is being done in an effort to bring attention to the ever growing number of unhoused people who die each year in the streets and parks of Eugene Oregon.
We will meet up at the Atrium Building at 2:30pm, and divide into teams of twos or threes. Each team will then be given directions to where, at 3:00pm, they will do their chalking.

This action will be in two parts. The first act will be the setting of chalk outlines The second act will be in conjunction with First Friday Art Walk, and will be the animation of the chalk outlines. Chalk, & a candle will be supplied to all activist teams participating in this action. We encourage everyone to come out and play with us, and help us draw attention to the ever growing number of preventable deaths among the unhoused in Eugene Oregon.

Act #1:
Teams will be at their assigned location(s) at 3:00pm. One member of the team will drop to the ground, while the other member draws a chalk outline around the body. The eyes are to be “X”, and the word “Unhoused” written inside of the chalk outline. If a team has a second location, they will then move on to it and continue till their assignments are completed. This action is meant to be fun, thought provoking, as well as informative.

Act #2
At 5:15pm Act #2 will kick off with teams of two going to the 4 sites of the First Friday Art Walk. One team member will re-pose thyself into the chalk outline, the other team member will stand silently while holding a candle, and handing out flyers that help explain what we are doing.. The art walk progresses from one location to another, and each team will follow the art walk and do the re-posing at each of the four locations.

~First Friday Art Walk:
5:15 Mecca Railroad Station
5:45 Clar Studio 760 Willamette
6:15 New Rose 168 West Broadway
6:45 Jazz 124 West Broadway

RECLAIM THE PLAZA: A Free Speech Celebration

Monday, January 7 at 10:30pm
Wayne Morse Free Speech Plaza at 8th & Oak, Eugene

Celebrate freedom, stand up for your rights, and stand in solidarity with community members who wish to legally challenge Lane County’s unconstitutional curfew at the Wayne Morse Free Speech Plaza. Bring joy, cookies, protest signs, and musical instruments.

Article 1, Section 8 of the Oregon Constitution states the following:
“No law shall be passed restraining the free expression of opinion, or restricting the right to speak, write, or print freely on any subject whatever; but every person shall be responsible for the abuse of this right.”

The Wayne Morse Free Speech Plaza “curfew” is an unconstitutional restraint upon free speech and public assembly, and this is a call to action for all citizens of Eugene to stand up for the Constitution and the right to protest 24-7 in traditional public forums such as the Plaza. Our aim is to have the curfew declared unconstitutional in a court of law. To achieve this, SLEEPS in conjunction with local activists is planning a day of protest followed by a night of celebration and civil disobedience next Monday, January 7th. Free speech and unhoused activists along with other community members, both housed and unhoused, intend on being arrested in numbers for violating the Plaza curfew.

We invite you to come in celebration and solidarity to make a statement to City and County government that we as a community will not accept the violation of our constitutional rights. This will be a party, a celebration, a joyous expression of our freedoms under state and federal law. There will be music and treats and wonderful people. Sometime after 11pm, Eugene Police will request that we clear the plaza. Those who do not wish to be arrested will be free to leave and will able to stand on the sidewalk. Those who wish to be arrested will remain in the plaza. As a united force, we plan to plead not guilty to the charges and assert our constitutional rights in court as a community.

For more information email alley[at]

Buy Nothing Day

Occupy Eugene activists are staging a protest Friday 10:30 – 11:30 AM at the Eugene West 11th Walmart to bring attention to 1% media blitz targeting the 99% to buy buy buy on Black Friday. Unfettered consumerism leads to debt and time away from the family while at the same time large corporations reap record profits. Many of these big box stores, including Walmart, have abysmal employee wages and benefits.

Please join Occupy Eugene in buying nothing and challenging the Corporate Status Quo.
Bring a Sign
Here are some Ideas:
This is a companion action to the protest taking place simultaneously at the Green Acres Walmart , which is being held by the Eugene Solidarity Network, Pacific Green Party and United Food and Commercial Workers.