Friday General Assembly At 5:15pm

The GA will happen right after Max Rameau’s media stops at Kesey Square and Bank of America protest. We’ll begin at 5:15 this Friday and end at 6:15 so people can carpool to the LCC Peace Symposium panel on “The State of the National and International Democracy Movements”. Join us!

~2 – 2:30p: Kesey Square Revival, Willamette St. & Broadway
Brief speech and comments to media.

~4:45p – 5:15p: Bank of America Protest , 11th Ave. & Pearl St.
Brief speech and comments to media.

5:15 – 6:15p: General Assembly, Park Blocks, 8th & Oak




Photos of Zombie Bank Protest

The Zombie Bank protest Occupy Eugene held on Friday the 13th went amazingly well thanks to makeup artists, sign makers, artists, printers, furniture deliveries, medical suppliers, and of course the occupiers themselves.

While we were there, we handed out flyers to engage with people about how Bank of America has been bankrupting America as a Zombie Bank after it was resurrected from the dead by our government in 2008 with a 45 billion bailout.

Now many people are losing their homes to illegal foreclosures and they get $2,000, if any money at all as compensation for wrong doing on the bank’s part.

The protests will continue next week, with a special guest Max Rameau, author of Take Back the Land.

Have a look at some of the photos taken by our talented photographers.

Bank of America Protest

Protest against Bank of America’s corruption and blatant disregard for the people of America. They are economic terrorists and criminals. They need to be broken up, if not allowed to fail completely.

These are weekly protests, each Friday from 4:30 to 5:30 to attract the evening traffic BofA customers.

Educate the customers, encourage them to move their money to a credit union. Let Bank of America know what we think about their illegal foreclosures, discriminatory practices against minorities and that they are not respecting the laws that protect active duty service members. Let’s stop the bank that is too corrupt to survive!

Bring signs about foreclosures, robo-signing, MERS, excessive fees, free bailouts, corruption, greed, whatever you want!

Join us directly afterward at the Park Blocks, 8th & Oak, 6pm, for Occupy Eugene’s General Assembly and see what consensus democracy looks like!

When: Today, April 6, 4:30 – 5:30pm

Where: Bank of America, 11th & Pearl, Eugene.

This protest is planned by the Occupy Foreclosure Action Committee

Sunday Medical Clinic Moves to Park Blocks April 8

The Eugene Occupy Medical Clinic is moving to the Parks Block at 8th and Oak to better serve our community.

Our clinic time is the same as usual — Sundays 12-4 p.m.

All are welcome, no charge. No appointments; first come, first served. If you have any medical conditions, concerns or questions, please come by. Let’s all do what we can to make our Occupy Eugene environment as healthy and safe as possible.
Remember, starting this Sunday, April 8, you can find us at the Park Blocks at 8th & Oak in Eugene
See you there!
Contact person: Sue Sierralupe,

Also available in : Spanish

Kesey Square Occu-Pie!

A Benefit for Occupy the Trees

Come one! Come all!
Be the first to pie an occupier!
Occupiers will be at Kesey Square on Friday waiting to see if your aim is good enough to give them a pie to the face!
Some of your favorite (or least favorite ;)) occupiers will be awating your arrival!
Pies of different sizes for different prices so you’re sure to get your fill!

Friday, 1 – 5pm

Reclaiming Kesey Square as a place for street artists, entertainers, friends and activists to gather as a community – one Friday at a time.

Join in every Friday, noonish to dusk-ish.

“You don’t lead by pointing and telling people some place to go. You lead by going to that place and making a case.”
– Ken Kesey

Occupy Eugene – Kesey Square Action

Occupy Portland 6 Months Anniversary

We will remember our first march and everybody that we are still here and that we haven’t go anywhere..It will be a celebration of our first 6 months and a great opportunity to build a strong community within occupy Portland.

We will have only a gathering now since the weather is not helping and a lot of people want to take a break of marching. We will start at 5:30pm with some keynote speakers and will also have a conversation about all the things we have done during these six months. Then we will have a barbecue at 7pm and after that we will have a local occupy Dj playing some music.

Where: Col Summers city Park at the corner of SE 20 Ave and SE Belmont St

Gathering: 5:30pm
Barbecue party: 7pm


OEV Work Party!

Work Party!

Saturday April 7th

1 p.m. to 8 p.m.

OE V (Old Cat and Dog Rescue-1274 W 7th Ave Eugene,OR 97402)

Step 1 in getting OE ready to move out of the warehouse by May 1st. We’ll be sorting the stuff stashed upstairs, hauling away trash & recycling and more. Treasures to find, food, fun and special prizes :)

Kesey Square Revival

“You don’t lead by pointing and telling people some place to go. You lead by going to that place and making a case.”
– Ken Kesey

Reclaim Kesey Square as a place for street artists, entertainers, friends and activists to gather as a community.

Since the breakup of the Washington Jefferson Park occupation site, many of the displaced homeless have been harassed by some within the Eugene Police Department.

They have been unfairly targeted, charged with small crimes, and then told they can’t return to a 20 block area surrounding Kesey Square.

This “Downtown Public Safety Zone” is being used to discriminate against the homeless. Alley Valkyrie demonstrates how easy it is to break these laws, and not get arrested because she doesn’t look homeless.

Join in every Friday, noonish to dusk-ish.  Art vendors welome.

 Where? Kesey Square, of course, Broadway & Willamette.