Free Medical Clinics

Sundays, 12 -4 pm:  Downtown, corner of 7th & Pearl.  Dr. Knowlton, 12 -2pm; Dr. Howison, Spanish interpreter available, 2 -4pm.

Tuesdays, 5pm – 7pm:  Occupy V, 1274 W. 7th, Eugene.  Dr. Knowlton, 5 – 7pm.

Dr. Howison is a family physician with special interests in developing preventive health strategies for patients, holistic remedies, nutrition, obstetrics and pediatrics.

Dr. Knowlton is a family physician who has been practicing medicine in the Eugene area since 1997. He was the medical director of the clinic providing health care for the Makah Nation in Neah Bay, Washington from 1993 – 1997.

All are welcome, no charge. No appointments; first come, first served. If you have any medical conditions, concerns or questions, please come by. Let’s all do what we can to make our Occupy Eugene environment as healthy and safe as possible.

Please check the OE calendar to make sure the event is still valid.


Also available in : Spanish

Occupy Heart & Mind

Silent meditation/prayer circle open to everyone to bring their practice to share. We will gather and set-up 15 minutes before the start time. A bell will be rung at 15 minute intervals to signify an opportunity to enter or exit the space without disturbing others. Please bring your chair/cushion/floor mat and warm clothing and join us as we cultivate the loving kindness we all so desperately need. Please invite all whom you feel would both benefit and contribute to this event.

To join Occupying the Heart and Mind facebook group:

event contact: Yoan
When: Fridays, 11:45 – 1 pm & Saturdays, 2:30 – 3:30 pm

Where: OE V, 1274 W. 7th, Eugene

Occupy Your Local Governments

City and County governments rely heavily on local Boards and Commissions for direction and public input. These boards and commissions are comprised of people like us, who volunteer their time. People who serve on them not only get to ask questions that will be answered, they also get to have a voice in policy decisions. It’s very powerful, individual direct action. Please consider getting involved in these advisory functions. Your participation is valuable!

There are currently several openings for both Lane County and the City of Eugene. Positions are filled by appointment; they do require ongoing commitment and participation. The application process is simple and easy. Go the the websites noted.

Lane County:

There is a current opening on the County Action Advisory Committee, which “Advises the Lane County Human Services Commission on budget planning, allocations and policy issues for state and federal anti-poverty programs, including housing and homeless programs; participates in program activities, project review, selection, and is involved in monitoring the Ten Year Plan to End Chronic Homelessness.”

Check the Lane County website regularly for more openings as they become available.

City of Eugene:

There are several current openings on Eugene’s Boards and Commissions. Any resident of Eugene may apply. The application process is open until March 30.

There are openings for the following positions:

• Budget Committee 3 vacancies
• Civilian Review Board 3 vacancies
• Human Rights Commission 3 vacancies
• Planning Commission 1 vacancy
• Police Commission 4 vacancies
• Sustainability Commission 5 vacancies
• Toxics Board 2 vacancies 1 advocacy, 1 industry
• Lane Regional Air Protection Agency 1 vacancy
• Library Board 2 vacancies 1 at-large, 1 youth
• Neighborhood Matching Grant Dept. Advisory Committee 1 vacancy
• Whilamut Citizen Planning Committee 6 vacancies

For more information, or to apply, go to:

The City of Springfield also has volunteer positions for residents of Springfield on boards and commissions. Their website does not note whether there are current openings. Contact the City Manager’s Office to inquire. 541-726-3700, or e-mail

Unconference on Community and Bioregional Resilience

What could make a real difference for resilience and sustainability in the Eugene area and the Cascadia bioregion?

Bring your ideas, questions and projects about local resilience and sustainability to our self organizing “Open Space” Unconference 


Saturday March 31, 2012
City of Eugene Campbell Community Center
155 High St., Eugene, OR 97401

**Volunteers and food donations are needed! Please contact Lauren at if available **

This will NOT be your ordinary conference. Open Space events like this are participatory and self-organizing: YOU will make it the exciting gathering it will be. There will be no official speakers and no predetermined workshops or panels. Anyone who wants to create a session for any topic related to the question above will announce it in the first 30-45 minutes. Then we’ll just get on with it. We’ll be all together at the start and the finish – but in the middle we’ll each be doing exactly what we really want to be doing. And it will probably add up to something amazing.

Come to learn, share, explore, collaborate or organize around whatever has heart and meaning for you. We can make breakthroughs together because our diverse passions, group knowledge, meaningful conversations and new collaborations will make us far more smart and effective together than we are separately.

But this is important: Only attend if community resilience and sustainability are important issues for you. You may have more questions than answers – or more answers than questions – but it is your passion that counts here. This conference will ONLY succeed because of your energy and the energy of everyone else who comes. The participants will make this the thrilling event it is going to be.

SO please come if you find yourself thinking about things like…

• building local food systems…
• launching community currencies or credit clearing systems…
• nurturing the expansion of gift economies…
• developing peer-to-peer sharing and barter systems…
• strengthening your community’s “buy local” dynamics…
• promoting sustainable, sensible transportation systems…
• advancing local energy systems, local manufacturing, local entertainment, local celebrations…
• nurturing stronger relations among neighbors…
• reaching beyond the choir through media, community leaders, demonstrations, the arts, occupations…
• developing indicators of community well-being…
• bringing more heart, spirit, feeling, movement and vitality to sustainability activities…
• catalyzing conversations about how to get our needs met and live richer, more enjoyable lives without money…
• any other activity, idea or question that could strengthen the sovereignty, sustainability and vitality of our cities and towns…

Do you find yourself excited about things on this list? Then come to this Open Space conference March 31. We need you. We need each other. Your interest, your knowledge, your questions could make all the difference. And we need to make a real difference soon…

* Your participation in this event has been paid for by prior donors to the Co-Intelligence Institute. Instead of paying us back for a service rendered, you may pay it forward to help us to provide such services to others. If you wish to pay it forward, you may do it online or at the event.

Check out the event Facebook page here!

For more information about “Open Space” events, see here

Help Pitchfork Rebellion Stop Big Pesticide

The people and forests of Oregon are being poisoned. These families of the Hwy 36 corridor now have the proof. It has been submitted and simply ignored.

Please come support them in this fight to make this well documented case public knowledge. Only then will things begin to change.

Who is the enemy you ask?: Monsanto, Oregonians For Food And Shelter, and the timber industry to name a few major players. Another perfect example of money in politics VS humans, land, water, and living ecological systems which are all being destroyed beyond repair.

Pitchfork Rebellion is an Uprising of Forest Dwellers who are tired of being abused by Big Timber and Big Pesticide – i.e. ‘Big Agriculture’ – and who believe, as documented in our ongoing Investigation of the Influence of Big Business on State and Federal Agencies, that the government agencies charged with protecting the environment and the public health have been effectively co-opted by private industry to the profound detriment of the environment and the public health.

Facebook Event Invite and Ridesharing

Pitchfork Rebellion Web Page

Discussion Night!

Every Sunday from 4-7 pm at OE V.

“Diversity of Tactics” is the discussion topic for the month of March.

This is a discussion, not a debate! We will be breaking into small groups of 4-6 people to ensure that each person has a chance to speak. Please come and share your views and your experience on this important topic. This is a great opportunity for us to all learn from each other!

When: Sundays, 4 – 7pm

Where: OE V, 1274 W. 7th, Eugene

Hosted by the Occupy Eugene Library Committee.
Contact us at:

Volunteers Needed at OEV for Greeters and Info Booth Staff

OccupyV is officially re-opened to the public! We still need a few more shifts filled!
Ask about Orientations scheduled upon volunteer availability. Sign up for a short shift and let’s make the best use of the OEV building while we have it!

Goal:  2 volunteers per shift. Please look at the Site Staffing Calendar.
Find a time that’s good for you and sign up! Call Jana at 541-606-6139,
use a Volunteer Form, or put your name on the schedule at the OEV Info Desk.

The Green Neighbors Faire


Join your neighbors as we share resources and teach each other ways to make our homes, neighborhoods and communities safer, healthier, more resource efficient and more fun!

– Take part in hands-on skill building workshops

– Connect with public and private organizations that have practical information you can use

– Learn from panels hosted by local experts

When: Saturday, March 3, 2012; 11am to 2:30pm

Where: First United Methodist Church,  1376 Olive Street


– food preserving
– edible landscaping
– seed starting
– backyard chicken keeping
– rainwater collecting
– disaster preparedness
– composting
– bike repair
– and lots of other subjects

Youth Activities

– school gardening

– conservation projects
– poetry
– cooking demonstrations

Food and Drinks

– food carts will be located in the parking lot during lunch
– coffee cart will be available all day
– free snacks inside

From 10:00 to 11:00 am, noted author Richard Heinberg will speak on “Transitioning After Growth – Connecting, Community, Economy, Energy, & Environment.” A donation of $5-10 is suggested to support Richard’s talk.

To help pass the word about the Green Neighbors Faire, please forward this message to friends and family members. I hope you will join me and your neighbors at the Faire.

For a Detailed Schedule and Map of the building, see below this email. If you cannot view the map or schedule, please visit this web address:

Presented by: The Neighborhood Leaders Council Committee on Sustainability

Contact Cary for more information: 541-686-5562

Occupy Solidarity Social Forum

National self organized conference of occupy move-
ment citizenry held in Olympia. Two days of visioning
panels and discussions, creative tactics workshops,
non-violent direct action trainings, grand strategy
development, actions and fun social networking.

Day of activism, marching to follow Monday Feb 20, President’s Day

Where:   201 8th St SE, Olympia, Washington

When: Saturday, February 18, 8:00am until Monday, February 20, 2012 at 9:00am

poster link: