Memorial Day Potluck and Rally at Old Federal Building

The Fed Up Committee invites  you to Occupy Memorial Day at the Fed:

Potluck and Rally

Noon to 4 p.m.

Monday, May 28

Come to the old Federal Building Memorial Day for a potluck and rally. Bring food, plates, utensils, signs, and umbrella (in case of rain). It may not be a heavy traffic day or many of us in attendance, but it’s a holiday so we’ll be celebrating together Occupy-style!


Occupy Inter-Faith Eugene

Strategy meeting and Health Care for All HOUSEPARTY training. All are welcome. Please join us.

May 20th, 1:30-4:00pm

Church of the Resurrection 3925 Hilyard

People of faith responding to Occupy Wall Street in three strategic campaigns: Health Care for All Oregon, MoveToAmend and Homeless Solutions.

People of faith working for justice and equity! Occupy Inter-Faith Eugene! Grassroots training for organizing and educating about Health Care for All Oregon.

Tuesday Medical Clinic

Tuesdays, 5pm – 6pm:  Occupy V, 1274 W. 7th, Eugene.  Dr. Knowlton.

Dr. Knowlton is a family physician who has been practicing medicine in the Eugene area since 1997. He was the medical director of the clinic providing health care for the Makah Nation in Neah Bay, Washington from 1993 – 1997.

All are welcome, no charge. No appointments; first come, first served. If you have any medical conditions, concerns or questions, please come by. Let’s all do what we can to make our Occupy Eugene environment as healthy and safe as possible.

Please check the OE calendar to make sure the event is still valid.

This Week’s Education Series: How to Speak to the Media and Reach Out to the Public

What: How to Speak to the Media and Reach Out to the Public

This training will cover how to craft your message, do an interview, draft a press release, hold a press conference and get your message in various media outlets.  It will also include how to maintain informational communication with members, allies and the general public via email, phone trees, newsletters and other outreach vehicles

Presenters: Peter Lafeuer, UO Journalism Professor, Michael Carrigan, CALC, and Occupy Eugene Communications Committee. 

When: Wednesday May 16, 6:30 pm – 8pm

Where: Occupy Eugene headquarters, 1274 W. 7th Ave

All are welcome to attend this FREE training.

Contact: Michael Carrigan: E-mail: or Cell: 541.844.4677

Occupy Privilege and Racism Workshop

Where: Network Charter School, 2550 Portland Street, Eugene, OR 97405

When: May 19, 2012  –  10:00 am to 3:00 pm

Who’s included in the 99%?    Are all voices really heard?

The Occupy movement has brought together many people to organize in the hope of creating real and lasting justice.  The movement is inspiring but also challenging.  One source of tension has been over race, which is understandable given the racial history of the U.S.  Unless the issues of white privilege and racism are faced and dealt with openly, we cannot build a true 99% movement.

In this workshop, we’ll focus on developing an understanding of privilege and racism, and how these social forces affect us individually and institutionally. We’ll explore these issues through open conversation, workshop exercises, short readings, viewing short DVD & You-Tube clips, and creating goals for action.  The workshop is free, with donations accepted for Occupy Eugene.

Please bring your own bag lunch, and some food to share with others.

To register, reply to Lee at

For information, contact Ruth at


Arbrella Luvert is a retired teacher and administrator that continues to serve youth as the Eugene-Springfield NAACP Youth works coordinator for the Back to School – Success in School Program, ACTSO (Academic Cultural Technological Olympic, and Youth Council. A long time social justice advocate training the next generation of leaders.

Dr. Michael Samano is the coordinator of Ethnic Studies at Lane Community College. In addition to teaching courses on race relations in the U.S., Mike is a leader in the curriculum equity movement on campus. Off campus, he and his partner keep very busy with two young sons.

Milton Takei was born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii. He is a political scientist (master’s degree) that studies ethnic politics worldwide.

Stan Taylor is a Professor of Political Science at Lane Community College where he teaches Peace and Conflict, Environmental Politics, and Civil Rights & Liberties.  He is Chair of the Lane Peace Center, a member of CALC’s Progressive Responses, and a steering committee member of We the People Eugene (a grass roots organization dedicated to building democratic social movements and ending corporate dominance of politics, economics, and education).

Ruth Wren provides workshops & classroom presentations on undoing racism & privilege, and co-facilitates Study Circles on Race. She is the Administrative Coordinator for the Women’s Program at Lane Community College. She received a B.S. in Psychology from the U of O.

Global Protest – Rally at the Fed!

What: Rally at the Old Federal Building
Where: E 7th Ave and Pearl St.
When: Saturday, May 12,  12:00pm- 3:00pm

In solidarity with the many actions in Europe, the U.S. and elsewhere. See for a list of all of the cities where people are rallying around the globe.

Our demands are for:

  • Social Justice
  • Equitable Wealth Distribution
  • Environmental Protection & Restoration of the Commons

Contact: Vincent Kelley or Fred Schminke or

Press Conference: Moratorium on Foreclosures Now!

On Friday, May 11, on the steps of the Lane County Courthouse at noon, Occupy Eugene’s Foreclosure Committee will hold a press conference calling on Governor John Kitzhaber and Attorney General John Kroger to declare a moratorium on all foreclosures in the state.

The public is invited to attend this press conference, along with members of the local media. The event will last approximately half an hour.

Occupy Eugene is committed to the principle “Housing is a human right.”  People should not be evicted. Occupy Eugene’s research has shown the many foreclosures are fraudulent.

When: Friday, May 11, Noon.

Where: steps of the Lane County Courthouse, 8th & Oak.

Occupation Education Continues

Building and Using Organizational Power

Michael Carrigan,  Joe Tyndall, Jon Wostman

The trainers will lead a discussion about how to build movement power and create change by effectively engaging the public, and effectively influencing elected officials  and city and county staff.

OE Medical Clinic extra!

This Sunday, Occupy Medical Clinic Plus presents Bodywork Day! Bodywork specialists such as massage therapists and Reiki healers are offering free hands-on treatment for back pain, as well as Sundays’ regular offerings:

12 -4 pm:  Downtown Park Blocks, corner of 8th & Oak.  Dr. Knowlton, 1 -3 pm; Dr. Howison, Spanish interpreter available, 2 -4pm.

Dr. Howison is a family physician with special interests in developing preventive health strategies for patients, holistic remedies, nutrition, obstetrics and pediatrics.

Dr. Knowlton is a family physician who has been practicing medicine in the Eugene area since 1997. He was the medical director of the clinic providing health care for the Makah Nation in Neah Bay, Washington from 1993 – 1997.

All are welcome, no charge. No appointments; first come, first served. If you have any medical conditions, concerns or questions, please come by. Let’s all do what we can to make our Occupy Eugene environment as healthy and safe as possible.

Please check the OE calendar to make sure the event is still valid.

Spanish Translation

Occupy Medical Clinic “PLUS” presenta un dia de masajes terapeuticos. Especialistas de Reiki, metodo Bowen y otros tratamientos imparten sus servicios durante las horas de la clinica, 12-4 PM, en el Parque.

Domingos: de las 12:00 a las 4:00 de la tarde, el doctor Howison dará consulta en la esquina de 8th y Oak.  Habrá un interprete disponible durante el turno del doctor Howison.

El doctor Howison es un medico familiar certificado, cuyo enfoque particular es el desarrollo de estrategias de salud preventiva para los pacientes, los medicamentos holístico, la nutrición, la obstetricia y la pediatría

El Dr. Knowlton atenderá a pacientes en la sede de Eugene Toma las Calles, OE V. El es médico familiar con certificación profesional, que ha estado practicando medicina en Eugene desde 1997. El doctor Howison fue director médico de la clínica que brindaba atención en salud para la Nación Makah, en Neah Bay, Washington, desde 1993 hasta 1997.

Atención gratuita al publico en general. No es necesario hacer cita, se atiende en orden de llegada. Si usted tiene alguna enfermedad, o si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor, venga a vernos. Hagamos todos lo posible para que las condiciones en Eugene Toma las Calles sean lo más sanas y seguras que se pueda.

Por favor, vea el calendario de Eugene Toma las Calles, OE calendar, para asegurarse de que estas condiciones sigan vigentes.

Occupation Education Series continues, week 8

This week’s Strategic Campaign Planning Part 2 will continue despite Gordan Lafer’s cancellation. We will still be coordinating a discussion around campaign planning with Michael Carrigan facilitating. Here is a tentative agenda of the discussion:

  1. Report back on the  two GA discussions about the idea of OE choosing a campaign (or set of campaigns).
  2. Discussion started by Jamil about some of the potential goals of (a) campaign, why OE might develop its own particular sort of campaign, and some ideas on the components of a campaign.
  3. Q & A and discussion with campaign proposal creators.
  4. Potential proposal for the GA on campaigns.

We hope that people who have created campaign proposals will attend this week’s series so that participants can ask more questions and help sharpen the proposals.

You can view previous occupation education streams by going to the syllabus and clicking the title of the weeks training.