The Occupation at 1191 Lawrence St., Eugene, OR needs volunteers for occupying the space in 3 hr. shifts and overnights. It is a great way to connect with our community to share the reasons for which we Occupy. Sign up for a shift at the site or by emailing Jana at after looking at the following schedule:
Category Archives: Action Alert
Picketing Sat., Nov. 3rd 11:30 to 12:00
Meet at the sign at 3248 Gateway Street, Springfield.
Then Move to the Noon Rally at Gateway Mail Processing Center loading dock on Postal Way.
You will not be able to park in the postal service parking lot.
Sponsored by the Eugene Springfield Solidarity Network.
-Save the Gateway Mail Processing Center.
-Save local rural post offices.
-Save the U.S. Postal Service
Key Points:
-No tax dollars have been spent on the postal service since the 1970 Postal
Reorganization Act.
-The Postal Service is not a business, it is public service.
-Postal Service is a constitutional right. Article I, Section 8, Clause 7 of
the United States Constitution, known as the Postal Clause or the Postal
Power, empowers Congress “To establish Post Offices and post Roads.”
-Postal workers take an oath The Postal Service must preserve and protect the
security of all mail in its custody from unauthorized opening, inspection,
reading of contents or covers, tampering, delay, or other unauthorized acts.
Maintaining sanctity of the mail is a public trust vested in each postal
-In Oregon, we vote by mail.
-If the Gateway Mail Processing is closed, all Eugene/Springfield mail will be
trucked to Portland to be processed, and then trucked back for delivery.
-When rural post offices are closed or suffer reductions in services this
causes irreparable harm to rural communities.
-U.S. Postal Service is one of the largest employers of veterans.
-UPS and Fed Ex have picked off the most profitable routes. They use the
Postal Service to deliver to more expensive destinations, such as rural areas.
Paint a Picket at Outpost A on Labor Day
Contact: Lee Deveau deveaulee[at]yahoo[dot]com, 541-343-1575;, @OccupyEugene
Occupy Eugene activists to paint fence at Outpost A, 1191 Lawrence Street
On Labor Day, Monday, September 3, volunteers from Occupy Eugene will paint a picket fence in the front yard of Outpost A at 1191 Lawrence Street. Since late July, activists have occupied the yard with the owner’s permission. The house has been empty for two years and is in foreclosure.
The purpose of the event, Paint a Picket, is to educate the public about bank foreclosures—many of which are fraudulent—and their devastating impact on neighborhoods. Just over the last four years, 2008 through 2011, 7,437 foreclosures were filed in Lane County Courthouse.
Activists also hope to show area residents that Occupy Eugene is working for the benefit of Eugene’s neighborhoods. OE invites our neighbors to visit us at 1191 Lawrence, to talk with activists and volunteers and to see and hear about the work we are doing. Spokespersons for Occupy Eugene will be available for interviews with the press at 12:30 p.m. on Labor Day.
This press release is from the Communications Committee of Occupy Eugene that has been empowered to speak on behalf of the larger Occupy Eugene body.
Opportunity Eugene Task Force recommendations up for City Council consideration, July 18th at noon: Activists Urgently Needed to Write and Call
To our allies and friends: Please email this message to friends and put it your Facebook page!
On July 18, the City Council, at their noon Work Session, will be considering the approval of the Mayor’s Opportunity Eugene Task Force recommendations.
They will also receive a packet from Opportunity Village Eugene that requests that the City direct staff to begin clearing the way legally for OVE to occupy the land which was the former site of the Navy Center near Chambers on 13th, or a site that equally meets our site criteria.
If you can write or call the Council or Mayor asking them to do this so that when they return in September it will be a quick step to approve land, we should be able to begin in time to have our first neighborhood filled before winter.
WRITE TO THE EMAIL ADDRESS BELOW…It goes to the mayor, council, and staff
CALL YOUR COUNCILOR, if you have a personal relationship. They respond to their constituents.
CALL YOUR MAYOR…she represents everyone in the city
1. Tell them you want people who are homeless to have a legal, safe place to sleep.
2. Tell them that on July 18 that you want them to instruct city staff to do whatever is necessary to clear the way for Opportunity village to be built at Chambers and 13th OR to find another suitable site.
3. Tell them you want the land to be turned over to Opportunity Village Eugene by August 1 so that the village can be opened by October 1.
4. Tell them over 100 people die and thousands suffer in our community each year because Eugene is not providing for our most vulnerable citizens and that you oppose this.
5. Tell them you are tired of tax payer dollars being wasted on police, courts, jails, ER, hospital and psychiatric beds because Eugene does not have a cost effective policy or plan for homelessness.
Dozens of volunteers from the faith community, the social service community, the Interfaith Alliance, Interfaith Occupy , Occupy, CALC and the unions are incorporating and have been working since April to create this village. Many community leaders have joined the effort and plans will be ready to open the Village by October 1 if the City provides the land and appropriate waivers which State Law authorizes them to do.
Write the mayor, councilors and city staff all at once and be a matter of public record: or fax: 541-682-5414
Contact your councilor directly by phone if you have a personal relationship
Phone numbers:
MAYOR, Kitty Piercy: 541-682-5010
WARD 1, George Brown: 541-682-8341
WARD 2, Betty Taylor: 541-338-9947
WARD 3, Alan Zelenka: 541 682-8343
WARD 4, George Polling 541-517-3110
WARD 5, Mike Clark: 541-682-8345
WARD 6, Pat Farr: 541-682-8346
WARD 7, Andrea Ortiz: 541 688-5588
WARD 8, Chris Pryor: 541-682-8348
MANAGER, Jon Ruiz: 541-682-5010
Support the Outpost at the Fed
The Occupy Outpost’s main campaign is outreach. Please support the Outpost’s mission by signing up for a shift or two or three. Go to the link below to sign up for a shift or to enter notes regarding food deliveries.
The Outpost also requests literature for the table and a Cascadia flag.
Max Rameau Visits Occupy Eugene!
Housing is a Human Right
Author and Noted Housing Rights Activist, Max Rameau will be in Eugene for several events starting Wednesday, April 18. Rameau is the author of “Take Back the Land” and director of the national movement of the same name, which specializes in “liberating” vacant government land and foreclosed homes by moving homeless families into them.
Schedule of Events
April 18th – Activist training session 6:30p – 8:30p at Occupy V (1274 W. 7th Ave.)
Learn to utilize Positive Action (a form of Direct Action) campaigns to advance organizational objectives and build a movement for social justice. The training will focus on land, housing rights, and the fight against foreclosures. Desert and drinks afterwards.
April 19th – Benefit for “Take Back the Land” and Max Rameau 6p – 9p at Reality Kitchen (245 Van Buren)
Hour presentation, preceded by a social with food and music by David Rogers, tickets are $10/$12 day-of, but no one will be turned away for inability to pay. Get info at
April 20th – Kesey Square Revival ~2 – 2:30p (Willamette St. & Broadway)
Brief speech and comments to media.
April 20th – Bank of America Protest ~4:45p – 5:15p (11th Ave. & Pearl St.)
Brief speech and comments to media.
April 20th – Lane Peace Symposium 6p – 8:30p (Lane Community College, 4000 East 30th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97405)
Plenary Panel: “The State of the Global and U.S. Democracy Movement.
April 21st – Lane Peace Symposium 3:30 – 5 p (Lane Community College, 4000 East 30th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97405)
Keynote address
Rameau’s Eugene visit is co-sponsored by Reality Kitchen, Occupy Eugene, Civil Liberties Defense Center, Lane Peace Symposium, and A Community Together – Lane County (ACT). Visit co-coordinated by Majeska Seese-Green (ACT) and Jim Evangelista (Reality Kitchen).
Occupy The Trees (The Mother Earth Tree Convention)
EARTH DEFENSE WEEK: Occupy the Trees
Occupy Eugene and Cascadia Forest Defenders, in Solidarity with Occupy Wall Street, have put an “Occupy the Trees” call-out to activists around the world to protest the destruction of our Earth for the week of April 22-27.
Here in Eugene on Sunday the 22nd (formerly known as Earth Day), there will be an Earth Defense Day celebration at the park blocks in downtown Eugene, with speakers, music, teach-ins, and food.
Activities are planned in Eugene throughout the week: Monday is Public Lands Day, Tuesday is World Day for Animals, Wednesday is Kids Need Forests Day, Thursday is Eco-feminism Day, Friday is Global Climate Change Awareness Day. There will be speakers, musical performances, marches and rallies throughout the week. Tree occupations are planned as well.
See a full schedule here:
Our Call to Action includes 3 main points:
1. Immediate attention and reversal to Global Climate Change which threatens all llife on Earth.
2. Disruption of the Earth-destroying profit machines led by the richest 1% of the world and their government lackies.
3. Ending all Commercial Extraction from Public Lands in all nations of the Earth.
Moon, Occupy Eugene
Jim Flynn, Cascadia Forest Defenders
Tax Day Action- Fund Human Needs-Not War or Wall St.
Tax Day, April 17th join us for:
1. Rally-Downtown Post Office, 520 Willamette
11-12pm Penny Poll & Literature Distribution
Will provide taxpayers the opportunity to decide where their tax dollars go, by inviting them to participate in a penny poll. The poll participants will be given 10 pennies to put in jars representing a 6-category breakdown of the Federal budget.
12-1pm Rally with Music and Speakers including…
· Taxes for Peace, Occupy Eugene, IWW, CALC, ESSN, SEIU and WAND with tables
· Mark Ross and Scott Fife of IWW singing labor songs
· Plaedo Wellman performing spoken word.
*War tax resisters who object to over half of their federal taxes going to the military, will redirect their “war” taxes to local organizations. Some of these organizations will be on hand to receive their donations.
2-3pm Casket Procession to the New Federal Bldg
There will be a procession mourning the human costs of war from the Post Office to the New Federal Bldg. The center of the procession will be a casket led by a single drumbeat. The mourners in the front of the march will be dressed in black and those in back will be displaying a more proactive message with rainbow peace flags and signs that proclaim “I’d rather pay for________ than war. Either Congressional staff from the offices of Senator Merkley, Wyden and Rep. DeFazio will be asked to come speak to the group and outline what they’re doing to curtail war spending.
2. Stand Up For Tax Fairness Rally
5pm Main Post Office, 3148 Gateway
More information contact SEIU: 541- 342-1055.
3. Whirled Pies for World Peace Benefit
11am-10pm Whirled Pies Pizzeria, 1123 Monroe,
Percent of sales goes to CALC
Tax Day Sponsors: Community Alliance of Lane County, (CALC), Occupy Eugene, Eugene Springfield Solidarity Network-Jobs With Justice (ESSN), Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Women’s Action for New Directions (WAND), Taxes for Peace Not War, Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).
For more information contact: Michael Carrigan at calcpeace[at]
Occupy Eugene Celebrates Friday the 13th with Zombie Bank Protest
What’s more scary than a psychopath with a hockey mask and a knife? How about a “Zombie Bank” that keeps rising from the dead to terrorize our community?
Join Occupy Eugene in protest this Friday the 13th at the 11th and Pearl St. Bank of America branch from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. as we “pull the plug” on this Zombie Bank to keep it in the grave where it belongs!
The Zombie Bank (Bank of America) has been mired in problems for years: illegal foreclosures, robo-signing, outrageous executive compensation packages, questionable investment practices, sub-prime mortgage scandals, using the illegal Mortgage Electronic Registration System (MERS) to avoid paying property title transfer fees and taxes, ridiculous customer charges like $5 a month debit card fees, and more. Without massive taxpayer bailouts, Bank of America would have been dead years ago, but they keep rising up from the grave! It’s not brains they want, but our homes and money!
We’ll outline the horrors of dealing with Bank of America and their frightening practices that threaten the people and businesses in our community. Enjoy lively street theater featuring a Zombie March, a seance to bring back the Glass-Steagall Act that the Banksters murdered in their insatiable quest for more profits, and much more!
Please note the event details have changed. This Friday the 13th we are having a zombie bank themed protest! Dress up as a zombie!
Download signs here:
Bank of America Protest
Protest against Bank of America’s corruption and blatant disregard for the people of America. They are economic terrorists and criminals. They need to be broken up, if not allowed to fail completely.
These are weekly protests, each Friday from 4:30 to 5:30 to attract the evening traffic BofA customers.
Educate the customers, encourage them to move their money to a credit union. Let Bank of America know what we think about their illegal foreclosures, discriminatory practices against minorities and that they are not respecting the laws that protect active duty service members. Let’s stop the bank that is too corrupt to survive!
Bring signs about foreclosures, robo-signing, MERS, excessive fees, free bailouts, corruption, greed, whatever you want!
Join us directly afterward at the Park Blocks, 8th & Oak, 6pm, for Occupy Eugene’s General Assembly and see what consensus democracy looks like!
When: Today, April 6, 4:30 – 5:30pm
Where: Bank of America, 11th & Pearl, Eugene.
This protest is planned by the Occupy Foreclosure Action Committee